No thanks Northworst Airlines

I want to rant before I write a civil letter to the ‘Customer Service’ Of Northwest Airlines.

Having flown Many many many miles on NW/KLM I decided to use some miles for an upgrade on a transAtlantic trip. Should this have been a problem I ask? I called NW is MSP and then KLM in Amsterdam it’s in the works no problem. So when I arrive in Detroit on the second leg of the trip, the twit behind the ticket counter decides to EDUCATE me on the fact that it was impossible and treats me like I am an idiot. So the defenses go up and I replied “you needed be pissy about it” Then all hell breaks lose. He rants and raves and blames everyone and that I should know better, there is no way I’ll get an upgrade what was I thinking?? Hey fella I am the customer here, what do I know about your rules? I filled out the form 3 months ago and got the upgrade one way I wanted it going back. DUH! So I apoligize for using the word “pissy”, do I get an apoligize from that twit?? He’s angry with me so what do I get???The middle seat of an over booked flight! I guess he fixed me right? Oh the power:rolleyes:

I went to speak to a supervisor before I boarded and she tried to sort things out. To no avail.

The deal is, when I am on a KLM flight they do not treat me or anyone for that matter like idiots. Why is that?

Yer lucky she didn’t treat you like a terrorist and sic some power-mad National Guardsmen on your pinko ass.

When I moved to MI eleven years ago, everyone loved Northwest and talked about how lucky Detroit was to have such a fabulous airline using it as a hub.

These days, Northwest has more ugly nicknames than you could believe, and people groan over how unfriendly the airline is. They really fucked something up in the past decade.

I know a lot of passengers have unreliastic expectations and seem to be quick to anger over glitches, but I think some airlines don’t realize how just the SLIGHTEST bit of kindness on the part of a gate or ticket agent will help.

Then again, if I were an employee of Northwest airlines, I’d find it pretty hard to be nice to ANYONE. They demanded paycuts from their unions (Flight attendants took a 16% cut, for example) and two weeks later their executive pay packages for the year came out in their proxy filing. Big, juicy, fat pay packages.

Sister flew NW and asked for a special dietary meal pre-flight. What she got was inedible. When she told the flight attendant and asked if she could have one of the sandwiches being passed out instead, she was told only if there were any left over.

Sister was unhappy, but pulled out her newspaper to read while she waited. After servicing the rest of the plane, the Stu (she doesn’t deserve to be called ‘Flight Attendant’) walked passed Sister’s seat and Dropped The Sandwich on the inside of her newspaper so that it rolled into her lap!!!

They may think they deserve a 16% pay increase, but from a customer point of view, what they deserve is “Louisville Slugger” imprinted backwards across their foreheads…