That’s the actual headline.;_ylt=AiK3mBB4WwiYOUftA9JpIA2s0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NTc-
Heh. I really like this statement:
Family of hangmen?
Who better than your own Dad to show you the ropes?
That was 'orrible, Soupy. Wish I’d a thought of it.
Yes indeed. They even have their own website:
That’s roughly one every 45 days. Sounds like an easy job to me. “Family of slackers” is more like it.
I’m losing a fight with an incipient migraine and this made me chuckle. Thanks for a bright spot on a bleak day.
That’s the kind of gallows humor I really appreciate.
I’m totally naming my next musical project “Chatty Hangman.”
I don’t get hung up on it, myself.
I liked this bit myself:
Removes hat, bows, and sincerely hopes he doesn’t remember this line during a quiet prayer or funeral
Ugh, punsters. Dead weight in any thread. I say we should string 'em up, leave them up as an example to others, and then drop the subject.
Isn’t their job to take up the slack?
Executionner was generally a family business. You’d become one because your father, uncle, father-in-law, etc… was. The executionners in France had all been related for more than one century until the abolition of the death penalty. And other families had preceded them. The most famous of these “dynasties”, the Sanson, beheaded, quartered and hanged people for I believe more than two centuries, both before, during and after the french revolution. It is even stated that the Sanson who executed Louis XVI had met him when he was still king regarding the implementation of the guillotine.
Forgive the punning: it’s just the way I was taut. I was deeply hemp-pressed at an early age by the example of a great-grandfather, condemned to death, who was taunted by his executioner:
“I’ll soon be preparing a noose for you,” sneered the hangman.
Quoth my ancestor, “You will knot.”
For his last meal, he asked for roast Turkey with all the trimmings; including, of course, gibbet gravy.
For the morbidly curious, he was hanged for stealing another man scaffold cows just didn’t interest him.
I think you meant, “…snared the hangman.”
And you call yourself a punster.
A film about Albert Pierrepoint (starring Timothy Spall) was released a couple of months ago. Details here :- Times review