As I write this, it’s 5:13 AM. No, I didn’t get up early–I’m still up.
I’ve been holed up in my apartment reviewing for the boards for the last month, with no place to be at any certain time, and I’ve pretty much gone nocturnal. I’ll stay up until 6 or 7 in the morning and sleep until the mid-afternoon. I get so much more done at night it’s not even funny–there are fewer distractions, and I just feel like I’m more productive in the middle of the night. I also feel much better, since I’m not trying to force my body into a 24-hour cycle (which it has never cared for) and allowing myself to sleep when weary and not according to when I have to be someplace next.
Why, then, do I feel so bad about it?
For some reason, I just feel incredibly guilty when I stay up this late. Perhaps it’s because my girlfriend gives me grief about it, and my mother thinks I’m nuts. (Both are the type who tend to pass out at about 10:30, which I can’t even fathom.) Perhaps it’s that societal notion that 11:30 PM is “Late”, and 12:30 PM is “Late Late”.
I usually don’t have a problem with non-conformity, though. Does anyone else ever do this? Do you feel the same way?
Dr. J