Nokia 3360 and Ericsson R78d

There is a way, I’ve seen it done before, to type a certain code into the Nokia phones in order to change the display from whatever your service provider is (Cingular, AT&T, etc.) to anything you want. Right now my 3360 displays Cingular all the time. Is there anyone out there that has the code for changing that?? I also have the Ericsson which displays the same thing…anyone have any idea how to change it on those?? Thanks.

if i understand you correctly, what you’re trying to ask is how to change your operator logo…

i do this by using a logo software on my Palm handheld, and using the infra-red connection to transfer the logo to the phone.

if you know anyone with a Palm OS based handheld, and have a phone that has an infra-red port, you can change the logo to absolutely anything. I can tell you how to go about it… it’s fairly simple…

There are other methods to do this too… you could find an online service that will send any chosen logo to your phone… these used to be free services, but of late i can’t seem to find any free service that offers this…

I don’t have access to anything else that has infared. There is a way to get into the phone and just change the text on the screen. I’ve seen the code, its like #3000*1234 or something like that.

xash - are you using MonkeyLogo? (I couldn’t get it to work - it finds the IR port of my phone, but just sits there saying ‘connecting’ - the FAQ says my phone is supported)

yes, i have used MonkeyLogo succesfully on multiple phones from multiple manufacturers. maybe you haven’t chosen the correct configuration in the MonkeyLogo settings. there’s a setting somewhere that specifies phone type/model in the infra-red options…

Also, if you can’t get it to work with your phone, you could use any other phone with infra-red and send the logo across to your phone as a message… a message will then pop up on your phone saying “received logo” view/save/delete. view it, and, if you like it, save it.

the software also requires the correct SMS Service Centre Number of your cellular operator, along with the Network Code of your cellular operator. I think the newer version has a preset list of operator codes and service centre numbers that you can choose from.

rayray, i’m not aware of any such number that will change the operator logo… perhaps someone will come along with more info…

There is such a code for certain models of phones. The company I work for builds Ericsson phones and we have the codes to use when we can’t get the phone on the “flasher” (PC that updates the phones software.). I don’t know what the code could be for your phone as we don’t build them, but you might be able to find out what it is by talking to the folks at the Cingular store. If they won’t tell you, then surf around the net. Generally, the cell phone manufacturers use the same codes for all their phones.