NonSubscribers Can Post?

Sure looks pretty in here!:slight_smile:


Is anyone else having problems with their reply to thread message box being obscenly narrow? I already reported this in another thread.

I’m back, baby!:cool:

All these new faces and returning old ones. It’s…it’s beautiful. sniff

Wow… this is great! Now all I need is a plausible reason someone else would want to hear my opinion.

It may be an old face, but it goes well with the old body… and the old mind… and some other old stuff, too.

Yep, I can post too. But when I click the “reply” button it functions like a quote button. I’ve got so many things to say…

I was wondering if I was a guest or a trespasser. Apparently, it’s the former.


It works, but very very slowly.

Initiation rites will take place as normal, even if you don’t have to pay for 'em. Please step through the door on the right, remove your trousers, and select a pair of flippers. Someone will be in to get you in a moment.

Let’s see - yep, it appears we can post. Interesting. I can’t remember the last time I posted to the Dope.

Good to see you back!

No, no! We moved the squi…errrr, festivities to the door on the left. On the right, we had to put the…well, never mind. It’ll be ok. I think.

It’s so nice to be back.

So, right through the door on the right then? Righty ho.

Will it always say “guest” under our names?

Feels good to be back.

Nope. Once things are stable, you’ll become a Member. Looks like free posting happened a bit earlier than expected. Here’s the post that gives you the whole plan. It’s the OP in one of the stickies at the top of this forum.

Glad to see all the new/returning folks.


Wow. I haven’t posted here since the board went pay to post (though I read constantly). Nice to be able to chip in again. waves

Yay! We (the norinew clan) remember you! Welcome back! Wheeeee, this is fun!