North Korea Opens International Restaurant Chain

Can anyone find the original North Korea News Agency article about this?


If you’ve not seen it, the Vice Guide to North Korea is definately worth watching (you can find it on YouTube, I can’t access that from work so no linky). Shane Smith goes to several resturants in North Korea which are all bizzare beyond discription and only for tourists so they can…act like really weird North Korean people and pretend to have tons and tons of food. I can only imagine that these resturants would be something like that but somehow even more so.

I’ll be working in Amsterdam for the next couple of months, so if it’s open by that time I might check it out. Definitely have a look through the windows - I’m not sure I want to put money into NK.
They’re looking for people to work there: “Minimum 2 years experience in senior positions in DPRK restaurants” for managers and “Entertain the guests with singing North-Korean traditional songs, sometimes play an instrument and dance traditional North-Korean dances with other waitresses and sometimes with guests” for waitresses. According to Dutch newspaper NRC, there’s only one single North Korean living in Amsterdam.

And being such is most likely an “illegal” as far as NK is concerned, meaning that he won’t get within 10 miles of that place

They children in Best Korea starving because we give you this food. You clean plate!

I just have to ask, what was the tiny ‘friendship’ center?

What a bizarre website. He looks like a cute old lady.

There are several North Korean restaurants here in China, especially in my part of the country. I don’t know if they’re part of this particular chain, but I’ve eaten at at least two of them. They’re nothing special, really: NK flags, pictures of the Kims, decent-enough Korean food. Each time I’ve visited one I’ve noticed that I’m the only person there.

He looks so ronery!

Boy, that’s gonna be one busy North Korean expatriate restaurant manager/waitperson/singer/dancer/music player. Does the poor guy or gal also have to be the chef, too?

Making those sort of jokes about North Korean restraunts today is about as relevant as making jokes about Ethiopian restaurants was a decade ago. While I’m sure there are still many poor and hungry people in both countries, their respective famines happened long ago. And let’s not forget that even the USA and other western nations have “a problem feeding [their] own people”—the problem may not be as dire as it is in the DPRK, but it undeniably exists.