Norwegian prison time isn't as easy as some Americans thought (Anders Breivik)

I wonder if amongst the collection he had the Spyro The Dragon series games? Those games would make prison time totally worth it! :cool:

Poor guy. What horrible conditions.

I propose they give him Desert Bus and nothing else till he completes it. Also, limit his gaming sessions to 3 hours at a time. Too much time sitting isn’t good for you.

I personally don’t mind if prisons are comfortable as a five-star resort. As long as the criminals are locked away I don’t need them to suffer. I actually don’t want them to suffer since I believe most criminals are sick rather than evil. But they have to be removed from society.

However, society also shouldn’t cater to their sense of entitlement while they are in prison. A normal person would be grateful to have some PS2 childrens’ games, an allowance, and the other relative comforts of Norweigan prisons(I believe they also get a mini-fridge and TV in their cells). If these convicts have the audacity to complain about that, then they shouldn’t even get a hearing. Hearings should be restricted to prisoners claiming actual mistreatment.

I agree, save for that they should have hearings, if only to be laughed at.

I volunteer to laugh at Norwegian prisoners with ridiculous senses of entitlement.

Very well, Sir!
I shall add your name to the list!

Yeah, I don’t think recidivism will be an issue here.

He’d figure it out pretty quick when his NES cartridge doesn’t fit into the SNES.
(I beat Battletoads, but I had a Game Genie).

Can the EU exchange prisoners, and can non-member Norway send him there? I hear French prisons are lovely.

Umm…this is one giant whoosh, right? Because what you say is absolute nonsense.

This mass murderer has a fucking PLAYSTATION. I don’t even own a television. And hardly anyone has a choice about when they awake in the morning, because y’know, people tend to have jobs and shit. Poor baby has to eat prison food and can’t order a pizza when he wants. My heart bleeds for he and thee.

I dare you to name any prison anywhere on Earth where you’re not told what to do and when to do it. Prison is prison, it should never be a playground.

Been done.

I think that did go over your head a bit, yes.

Prison is the punisment society has set for crime. It does not come with other, non-judicial punisments built in on a nod-nod wink-wink basis.

There are people in hellholes around the world who do not have food, a roof over their heads, or healthcare. Do we then decide that prison should be worse than the worst conditions suffered by anyone in the world? No. We’ve decided what the punishment should be, and do not add extrajudicial suffering to it.

It is really not relevant if random people around the world are better or worse off materially.

As for the “you’re told what to do and when to do it” I’m afraid you missed that too. When discussing these matters, people often seem to assume that you’re afforded significant time to do things like play games or watch TV. The fact that this time is so restricted is why people prefer hardcore UK prisons to Norwegian ones.

This is apparently what a low security Norwegian prison looks like.

Anders Breivik is a dangerous man.

I wouldn’t want him plotting to kill guards, inmates, or an escape.

If his time and energy can be siphoned off by staring at electrons dancing on a screen, instead of more nefarious activities, that’s great.

The Devil finds work for idle hands.

A statement that in fact demonstrates the effectiveness of the Norwegian approach here. If he was being abused and brutalized he’d able to be portrayed as a martyr by people of a similar persuasion, and possibly inspire them to follow in his footsteps. As it is he looks like a whiny idiot, and is much less likely to inspire anyone.

Couldn’t agree more. A honey badger would be just the thing.


My two cents? Sit in solitary till you die of old age, you raging murderous little piece of sub-human DNA. Video games. VIDEO GAMES ???

Jesus wept.

Although unless there is some study, I don’t think recidivism rate should be evidence that the system works. It’s likely more a matter of correlation.

Bastøy is not a normal norwegian low security prison. Bastøy is a half-way house for long-term inmates where they spend the last few years before release. The point is to get them re-integrated and used to functioning in society. It is not available to all prisoners, and it is not considered for Breivik. It has eccelent results so far.

I still don’t get you. What, precisely, makes hellhole UK prisons more favorable than the plush, well-lit, gamer-friendly Norwegian ones? Does the UK allow you to order Thai food?

What Breivik needs is a date with the Kervorkian Machine. Sadly, for some dumb reason, the EU has determined that the death penalty is too barbaric even for unrepentant, barbaric criminals. Whatever.

I guess it sucks that he killed all those people, then…

Perhaps it has something to do with one hour of daylight.

I find the linked article a bit strange. It mentions that:

without ever explaining what those “other things” are. I’m not saying he’s justified at all, but I have a feeling there was a list of complaints he made, and the media cherry picked the most ridiculous one that played into the “Scandinavian prisons are like hotels” stereotype.

Well, all the all guard yodeling choir rehearses next door to his cell.