Nose infection - What did my doc give me?

Years ago, I went through a period of some months where I suffered multiple (and sometimes heavy) nosebleeds. These could randomly be triggered by a slight knock, simply blowing my nose, or sometimes just from bending over!

I eventually went to see my doctor who spotted an infection of some type and gave me a cream to rub on the inside of my nose everyday. In a couple of weeks, the nosebleeds were a thing of the past.

Unfortunately, after about 10 years with no problems it seems to be happening again, and since I was 17 at the time, I paid very little attention to what he told me and what the cream was called.

Anyway, my question is two-fold…

  1. Any ideas what the cream was my doctor prescribed?
  2. Is this something I can get from a pharmacy over-the-counter?

Obviously, I’m not looking medical advice, just a bit of info on what it could have been, and how common it is. I’ll be sure to ask any pharmacist for advice before using anything, and will go and see the doctor if the problem persists. I’m just looking for a bit of information really and to see if I can avoid taking time off work.

Many thanks!

P.S. I went through the blood-clotting tests and the usual last time it happened.

It’s possible that you have some infection-related nosebleed problem, like last time, which I cannot help you with. But nosebleeds are also more common when the air is dry and one’s nasal passages get too dried out. Is it possible that this is your problem, or is contributing to your problem?

In that event, what you need is something that can moisturize your nasal passages, no prescription required. The trick is that most hand lotions or body moisturizers are not what you want to put on mucous membranes, thanks to ingredients that may sting, and fragrances that would be irritating to have that close to the schnozz. Good ol’ petroleum jelly (applied gently with a q-tip) may do the trick.

Thanks for the advice - It certainly could be something like that so I’ll give it a try!

Four nosebleeds in a week is worrying - especially when I managed to get a bad one after blowing my nose on a rush-hour train yesterday… kinda embarrassing.

Another way to keep them moisturized is nasal saline. Buy a bottle and keep it in the shower. Do a squirt every morning, soon it becomes a habit.