Not another Jackass incident...!

All these things will only injure the person doing them, whereas firing boiling water on someone will injure someone else.

Blaming Jackass, or any other show or movie, is utter bullshit. Nobody, repeat NOBODY, walked into Jackass thinking “I’m pretty crazy. One time I got a brain freeze from drinking a malt too fast” and walked out and decided to shove a car up his ass for a laugh. People who went in already doing similar shit might have gotten an inspiration for HOW to be a dumbshit, but no one was inspired to BECOME a dumbshit.

NoGoodNamesLeft said it best: As far as I’m concerned, if you can’t see that leaping off a bridge wasn’t a smart thing to do, you don’t deserve to live.

blush …my first “NoGoodNamesLeft said it best” :smiley:

Just the opposite, actually.

I suppose that feeling extends to football players getting paralized, hockey players with shattered facial bones, and baseball players with concussions from wild pitches?

Oh right, those are REAL sports huh?

Also, and I do not mean to belittle what has happened, but 1st and 2nd degree burns from the volume of 1 cup of water is not THAT bad. It is horrible it happened but some of you are acting like this young kid is going to have months in a burn unit and have physical scars for life.

Mean (Where’s my asbestos suit?) Joe

There is a discrepency between the print media, and the televised media coverage of this. (Or was, maybe it’s been corrected.) When I saw the story covered on tv, they said the kid had suffered second AND third degree burns. Also, it looked to me as if the kid were taking the paper cup of water out of the microwave. If that’s the case, then it is quite possible to inflict third degree burns from the super heated center of the liquid. The print media only mentioned second degree burns.

Has anyone found a more recent story that describes the wounds suffered?

FWIW, I think Jackass was taken off the air.

And yes, this kid should be shot.

Eh, I’m sure someone will be along to make the argument more eloquently than I, but here’s my take to entertain you in the interim.

IMHO, there’s a world of difference between being injured while playing a professional sport and injuring yourself copying a television show that tells you not to copy it’s stunts.

I mean, participating in an organized sport that has evolved over the past decades to develop rules and equipment designed to best protect their participants isn’t a terrible risk. Sometimes the rules and/or equipment aren’t enough to protect their participants. It’s unfortunate, but horrible injuries are the exception rather than the rule. That’s one thing.

Doing something that is dangerous to the point of being blatantly against common sense, taking as few precautions as possible (indeed, going out of your way to make things more dangerous), and fucking yourself up, that’s something else entirely.

Why? If it culls out the “I saws it on da TeeVee” morons, so much the better.

Why ban it? If it culls out the “I saws it on da TeeVee” morons, so much the better.

Why ban it? If it culls out the “I saws it on da TeeVee” morons, so much the better.