Not Dorothy Parker

Hey, matt, that URL you posted ( pops up a big ol’ 404 when I look at it. The main page also says something about the site going away due to gripes about its ISP.

Well, when they told me that she was a writer, and I looked her up, I realized not only was she, but I had read some of her work. Probably why I recognized the name even if I got it mixed up with Dorothy Lange.

tracer – Obviously I was thinking of someone whose name was similar to “Dorothy Parker”, that’s how I got them mixed up. Two women that whose works I have seen only in passing, who share the same (first) name.


My Homepage
The RHPS: Website For Virgins
Both Updated More Often Than This Sig

Don’t worry, Cess, it happens to all of us, and it just gets worse as you get older.

Don’t forget to listen to some of Dorothy Parker’s hot alto saxophone work from the 1940s and '50s. That “Yardbird” could really tear up the joint! The rolls she made at her house were good, too.


“Dorothy! Dorothy! Dorothy! delirium

matt, you’re re-inforcing a stereotype. :slight_smile:


Work like you don’t need the money…
Love like you’ve never been hurt…
Dance like nobody’s watching! …(Paraphrased)

Mangeorge: I don’t reinforce stereotypes. If certain stereotypes choose to conform themselves to the way I behave naturally, that’s their lookout. :slight_smile:

I have a set of Dorothy Parker links on one of my pages. Haven’t checked 'em in a while but most of 'em should still be good:

Lex Non Favet Delictorum Votis

[[Sorry but I have to chime in here.
The mans name is spelled Mahatma Gandhi.]] EvilGhandi

Just to be anal retentive about it, his name was actually Mohandas Gandhi, “mahatma” being more of a title of reverence.