Not enough brown sugar. Problem?

I wanted to make oatmeal-raisin cookies. Recipe calls for 1 cup packed brown sugar; I only have 3/4 cup. Can I add an extra 1/4 cup gran. sugar (recipe calls for 1 cup of that as well)?

Do you have molasses? You can mix molasses and white sugar in a pinch to get brown sugar.

Excellent idea! Thank you!

No problem. Just send me some of the cookies. I have to taste them, you know, to make sure my suggestion did work and that it can be offered up again as needs arise. :smiley:

Well, they seem to have turned out okay. Have a taste: @@@@@

If you do, you will get a crispier cookie.

Chomp chomp chomp slobber slobber slobber.
Mmm. Rilch, I’m still not quite sure. Maybe a couple more? :wink:

(I’m glad it worked. Enjoy your cookies.)