Notational question for mathematicians and logicians

The last time I checked, there has never been an exhaustive serious attempt to provide a history of the evolution of logical notation (including that used by various flavors of set theory and mereology).

I can understand why this is: academics who have provided interesting article-length summaries of, say, Peirce, Peano, or Frege’s notational schemata simply have more interesting things to study, except perhaps as a hobby.

Is this just wishing for a popular account, or have I missed some interesting scholarly contributions over the past decade or so?

What got me thinking is in preparing for a discrete mathematics test this Monday – the very basic text uses what is, to me, a kind of bizarre notation for very basic set theoretic notions, such as difference or symmetric difference.

It occurred to me this could be an interesting project for some budding Wikipedia author.


There’s well-cited webpages dealing with the history of mathematical notation, including set theory and logic.