These fuckers actually filed this bill. If it were truly a joke, they wouldn’t have wasted time doing it, just suggested it. I understand trying to lighten things up in these troubled times, but this is just stupid. Get your overpaid asses back to work.
Unbelievable. “Let’s not worry about roads or schools or prisons or jobs or that boring stuff. Let’s pass a tea law.” If there’s any sense in the electorate, these bozos will be out of work next election.
I like Priam’s idea. I’m going to Savannah and slinging tea all over the port.
Mr. Blue Sky, are you really surprised at anything that comes out of that clown school laughingly known as the Georgia General Assembly? I mean they recessed for almost a month so Sonny boy could trot around the state and tout his 58 cent tax increase on tobacco and figure out how they’re going to resolve the really burning issue of a fuckin’ flag! Nevermind budget shortfalls, dwindling tax bases, providing basic human services and all that trivial stuff. Let’s spend the session talking about sweet tea and flags. :rolleyes:
And malt liquor! Can’t have lunch without a cool 40 of Colt .45!
Har har. Actually, having spent about half my life in Georgia, I’m surprised they found a restaurant that doesn’t serve sweet tea down there. Poor me, out here in Memphis, where the waiters smile brightly and say, “No, just unsweet, but…” (apparently thinking I don’t know this) “…you can sweeten it yourself!”
Hey, I had this idea myself! Unsweetened tea is just nasty. I think it should be illegal for any restaurant south of the Mason-Dixon line to serve instant tea, too. It just ain’t right!
Would someone please take pity on a poor, beknighted northerner and tell me what the hell you’re talking about?
I drink tea. I drink a LOT of tea since I despise the taste of coffee. Earl Grey, Constant Comment, occasionally some green tea. I follow the British guidelines: loose tea in a ceramic infusor, fresh, cold from the tap, boiling water poured over it and allowed to steep for a few minutes before the infusor is removed, then and only then is sugar and lemon or cream added.
I gather that you’re talking about something other than adding a sweetener before drinking. I’ve tried chicken-fried steak (I still have nightmares) but I missed sweetened tea.
First off, iced-tea is very popular in the south. Sometimes refered to as ‘The house wine’.
So we are not talking little cups of hot tea but large glasses of iced-tea. Now some restaurants would have two versions of iced tea with one of them being a pre-sweetened version. And let me tell you, it’s pretty sweet. Imagine about 6 little sugar packs dissolved in an 8 oz glass. Personally I like to sweeten my own tea as I only want about 2 or maybe three packs of sugar in my glass.
Oh and if you had nightmares about CFS you probably had some sort of damn yankee version of the food of the gods.
Southern sweet tea is something I might drink for dessert. Not with a meal. They do NOT drink it in Texas, to the best of my knowledge; I grew up largely in Texas and while I drank lots of iced tea, it was never presweetened. Ick.
At least I got out of Georgia – now I’m in Louisiana. thinks about what little she knows of Louisiana politics
Do you mean that there are actually restaurants in Georgia that DON’T serve sweet tea?
I have to agree with Mr. Blue Sky though - that was an incredible waste of time and money (not to mention embarrassing).
Callie - who currently resides in the second largest city in the aformentioned state and enjoys a glass sweetened ice tea with at least several meals a week.
whomever screwed up my reply is just like U of Tenn and U of FLA ., Nothing sucks like a BIG ORANGE! now that I have your attention, this tea issue just shows that moronical REPOOblicans have their Democratic counterparts. But we’uns out in west jawja rarely hear about such trifles 'cause our Knight RiDDA newspaper- the 12th Street Rag- misses the fun stuff. I’m sure that if he hasnt commented on it, Atlanta-based columnist Bill Shipp can find the time. Now dont make fun of our Guv’nr Sonny Boy, he cant hold a candle to bro Lester Maddox. lest we forget. unless sonny decides to ride around Grant Field (or say, inside the Phillips Arena, backwards on a unicycle before a national television audience). my recommendation is that we send the ghost of Lester to Iraq to entertain Saddam. He’d probably die laughing. Lester could always hit him with a pickrick drumstick.