Now Halloween turns political!

Eh, I wouldn’t regard it as ethically questionable, but it does seem odd that 7 and 13 year olds would be so politically charged.

Hell, I’m hoping she gets her house egged with the most rotten eggs that the people can stand to use. Yeah, I’m immature. I hope even the NON-Obama supporters were pissed-that is just beyond fucked up. Kids don’t even VOTE. Why even bother giving out candy then? Just turn your lights off.
And Frank, if Halloween is for kids, then I’m NEVER growing up. Never. (I was so fucking disappointed last night when I couldn’t make my friend’s Halloween party for lack of transportation. I had my costume and everything. Dammit.)

Well, I do respect your opinion more than most, Kimstu, except in this case you’re just plain wrong.

If lots of kids voted for jumping off a bridge would you let them do it?

Am I sick for thinking it’d be fun to both wear Nixon masks when in the sack with my girlfriend?

It happens. My future nieces (13 and under) are very politically aware, because of their parents are. Their father has worked for various international charity groups. He’s not a politician, but is by default very aware of politics because the success of his work depends on it.

Kids are able to follow national politics as far as they understand it. I remember being 8 and knowing about the campaign between Carter and Reagan, but not the underlying issues that would make me decide one was better than the other. A lot of my classmates did though. This year, an 8 year old would have to be brain dead not to be aware of Obama vs. McCain, and the Iraq war, and the stories about people losing their houses, and all the other things grownups are arguing about. It’s not so surprising that they would decide to pick one side or the other.


To be appropriate, she should dress up as the U.S. Constitution.

Now I understand your position; yes, Halloween should be a wonderful anarchistic night, just for children, with the older kids supposedly out just to keep an eye on the younger, while mom and dad hover slightly back.

I still think you’re wrong. I like the idea of kids being interested in politics. Let the kids have fun their way.

I like how the newscaster made sure to let everyone know her name is Shirley Nagle! Just to alert people who to harrass.

Bolded part is pretty much my point. As for 8 year olds picking sides - same thing applies. 8 year olds, and for that matter 13 year olds, learn political awareness much as they are able to from wanting to please thier parents.

My friend and I made signs for Bush/Quayle when I was 11. Perhaps we were a bit precocious.

My daughter is in middle school, and, to hear her tell it, kids are talking about the election every day and who they are voting for in the mock election at school. My daughter even convinced one friend to vote for Obama because she didn’t want to be the only Obama voter.

Apparently, most kids are voting for McCain because “Obama wants to make everyone go to school for 12 hours a day.” Not sure how that rumor got started. :dubious: That’s why middle-schoolers don’t vote for real.

I considered carving two pumpkins–one that said “OBAMA” and one that said “MCCAIN” and seeing which one got smashed first.

Can’t help but notice that you’re pro-Oboma now. Mayhaps were you and your friend’s parents pro-Bush when you were 11?

These particular kids are also very musically inclined, likely because their parents are. Is that odd or unusual? Should it be a concern that they’re just trying to please their parents? Should it be discouraged?

Why is a political bent in a child apparently seen as something to be blamed on the parents, when other shared interests are considered positive? What’s wrong with a kid being interested in politics?

Thank you! If people actually paid attention to politics, maybe we wouldn’t have had the last 8 disastrous years. We live in a democratic republic. It’s our RESPONSIBILITY to follow politics and keep informed about what our government is doing and plans to do. Shirking that responsibility because of some sort of idea that politics is “dirty” gets us the government we deserve.

I really thought that I would vote for any candidate who appeared on Halloween wearing a mask of himself. It would have been gold.

Anyhow, as for Hentor, tsk tsk. Your kids should not be wearing political stickers on Halloween or on any other day for the simple reason that they don’t understand what is at stake. Politics are already messed up enough by eligible voters who vote out of ignorance, having children innocent/ignorant of politics is further degrading democracy.

It would be just as having kids wearing stickers with positions on abortion, drug legality, etc. Wrong anytime, doubly wrong in Halloween.

My 10 year old is studying civics right now–their lessons are all about the election, the constitution etc. He’s for Obama and we’ve had many a talk about the way people present their positions (this because of the “palling around with terrorists” ala Palin) and other very current issues. I asked him for whom his teacher was going to vote, but he said she won’t tell the class. Good on her.

In 2004, one of his best friends (they were 6 at the time) helped his dad sculpt a representation of Bush into their pumpkin. His friend’s family are staunch GOP.

Every 4 years, Halloween has some overtones of the election. How do ethics enter into it at all? I think it’s a good thing–they’re close and it’s an opportunity to go a bit wacky either pro or con. My older son (almost 17) did mention perhaps being an Obama Ninja, but he settled for plain Ninja. I pressed him to be Teenage Mutant, but no, he went conventional on me. How is a 17 year old knowing enough about politics to decide what to wear a bad thing? He’ll be voting in a year!

#2 son boycotted T or T this year: god knows why.
I see people every day with political buttons, stickers, whathaveyou. I had one old lady last week who didn’t want to take her Obama button OFF for her surgery. I made her. I’m not saying that Hentor’s kids have anything like her dedication, but I can how the older one would want to wear one on a wild night. And younger son does what older brother does–that’s practically a given, considering the age spread there.

I have heard of college girls (and younger) going as Sarah Palin this year. Apparently she was the fav costume of many of the girls at BU.

There’s nothing wrong with it, but kids flying political flags on halloween is more an indication that thier parents are extremely political and inclined to display it in public than the kids really are. Hell, my political views such as they were aligned with my parents until I hit my teens and began to form my own views.

As far as flying political flags in public on holidays goes, it’s a free country, but nothing is more annoying than a stranger coming up to you and deciding to talk about politics or religion. You’re of course free to, but don’t be too surprised if you piss off people.

Very good on his teacher - but I’d bet you’re pro-Obama.

No big shock, a 6 year old carves a Bush pumpkin for his staunch GOP parents.

I never said it was unethical, in fact I said it wasn’t ethically questionable. Free country and all, but trick or treaters being political are more displaying thier parent’s views than thier own. Mayhaps thier parents should take a step back about how vocal they are in pressing thier views if thier children are doing it too? Your choice and all, but generally politics and religion are two things that people don’t like having thrust in thier face by people they don’t know.

Oh, for fuck’s sake. “Won’t somebody please think of the children?”

The number of people in this thread making it sound like Hallowe’en is some pure, noble day and you should be ashamed to so much as think of politics on October 31 is ridiculous.

That said, the woman in the OP is a bitch.