Now THIS is just fucking stupid

I guess it’s no secret that I’m against this war, but I even I think this is fucking retarded.

Great job, people. Really fucking brilliant. Why didn’t Gandhi or MLK think of this shit? Wait until GWB hears about it, how can he argue with such a persuasive statement.

“They’re what?” He’ll say, “They’re puking? Oh my God, turn those planes around immediately! What have we done? Oh, the humanity!”

Thanks for making the anti-war movement look like an SNL sketch.

Fucking ass-monkeys…

Hopefully this won’t be the only time I ever agree with you.


I saw that and thought I was reading The Onion. I dunno, it was probably my only laugh on this very trying day.

Where’s that barfy smilie when you need one?

I’m speechless.

Wow. Words can not begin to describe the idiocy of all of this. Isn’t there a better way to protest thanpuking or suicide?


I could not believe it when I heard about this on the radio. The radio also said that there were protesters defecating on the street (a shit-in?) and that they were holding a yoga demonstration on Market street.

Only in San Francisco.

Oh my god. Did all the loons come out today everyplace but here?

You know how they protested on campus here? A candlelight vigil on the library lawn in the damp and cold. One of the people the paper talked to said they had chosen that route because a protest for peace should be peaceful. They are going to wrap it up with a moment of silence for the troops.

They got press, they got attention and they were reaspnable. Good for them.

In my opinion, protesting is a relic from another age. If these people really wanted to affect political change, they’d need to start raising money for the political campaigns of mainstream party candidates that could actually have some real affect on international policy.


The dude who killed himself truly has my respect. If only other protestors showed the same commitment.

Plus which, what people have forgotten or never knew is that people didn’t start protesting against the Vietnam War until after it became obvious that it was corrupt. Ever since then, there have been a lot of people who jump to the conclusion that all wars are corrupt, and should never even begin, for any reason. That ain’t necessarily so.

And they should have let MacNamara go ahead with Operation Starlight. It would have been over so much sooner, and we still would have lost fewer troops.

Why? Are you thinking of protesting? :smiley:
I agree, this is a disgusting idea. On the other hand, it’ll make a big splash in the paper…

(yeah that was bad…)

Yeah. Dumbass protestors. We should all take the position that we won’t listen to peaceful protest.

And when it escalates to peaceful but annoying protest, we should just laugh.

Forgive me for thinking that this sort of dismissal and contempt of protest may just be what prompts others to start thinking about blowing things and people up.

OMG, when I vomited last night I thought I was only protesting a stomach virus. Who’d have thought, Karen Carpenter was more of an antiwar activist than Sheryl Crow.

I don’t know why you included me in that. Perhaps I should clarify.

People protested against the Vietnam war because of the way it was being carried out. Too many villages were being “destroyed in order to be saved”. Too many American soldiers were being wiped out to what seemed to be no purpose. There were discrepancies between the number of casualties sustained and the number that were reported. There was also the matter of the voting age: you could be drafted at 18, but you couldn’t vote for another three years.

We weren’t accomplishing what we’d set out to accomplish, and we took ten years to not accomplish it. During that time, people got fed up. They wanted troops to pull out because it was becoming a lost cause. The long-term goal was neither achievable nor worth the death and destruction it was costing.

It seems to me that people are protesting this war because they’ve been conditioned to think that all wars will be protracted and counter-productive. This one may not be. If I’m wrong, I will make my voice heard, but it won’t be through vomiting or jumping off a bridge.

I think protest is healthy, especially in this day and age. With government taking our rights away little by little, someone has to say something!

Rilchaim said, “Plus which, what people have forgotten or never knew is that people didn’t start protesting against the Vietnam War until after it became obvious that it was corrupt. Ever since then, there have been a lot of people who jump to the conclusion that all wars are corrupt, and should never even begin, for any reason. That ain’t necessarily so.”

I think it’s obvious to many people that this war is corrupt. There have been questions about the legality of this preemptive strike for months now. We’re not even sure of the legality of the presidency, fercrissakes!

Protest is a good thing. It’s an American thing. Although I think I’ll take a pass on the puking and the shit-in. Just not my style.

This was probably a one time deal. Those seven arrested are sitting next to each other in a stinky holding tank right now splattered with community puke and blowing vomit breath on each other as they discuss the ridiculousness of their situation.

Their stupidity is rampant enough to launch a fucking skateboard.

No, we laugh when they are being peaceful; we get pissed when they start getting stupid.

Echelon, calling Echelon.


Screw Echelon - calling Osama bin Laden.


I also agree that protest is healthy. In my opinion, the day everyone agrees on something, that’s the day we’re all doing something wrong.

However, there’s a difference between protesting a legitimate issue (which this is), and protesting in a really, really stupid way (which this is). This is PETA-level “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” bullshit… the kind of thing that only gets fellow diehard gonzo nutcases who happen to also agree with you to join in. It’s not constructive in the slightest.

I personaly don’t see the point of protesting. But that’s just why I won’t do it. It’s a right we have and, so have fun.
Having said that, I think most of the peacefull protesting gets over shadowed by the masses of loones that just like making a spectical of themselves. I was in Seattle when the WTO protests were going on. In the begining of it, most of the people protesting had valid points and were doing it in a respectfull way. They didn’t block the streets or interfear with what was going on around them. Then the morons showed up and got all violent and started ruining buisnesses that just happened to be there. I remember the next day on the news, the protesters were being interviewed and most who were asked said they didn’t know what they were protesting.
My feeling is most people know that war is a sad and horrible thing. We don’t need to be convinced of that. So instead of walking around and saying war is bad. Come up with a solution. Tell us what we should be doing. And don’t give me that crap about talking it out with them because that odviously isn’t working. Untill then, GET THE FUCK OFF MY FREE WAY!
Sorry, this turned into my own little rant.