Now I may sound a little ignorant in my logic. Forgive me please, I’m only 14. But Since I have no idea how many acual dimentions there are I will simply have to state the 5 ones that humans exist in.
There is the traditional highth, width and depth. Then there is the fourth dimention, time. WE move freely about in the first 3 dimentions. (Do I sound stupid yet?). In the 4th we move in a strait line. Time travellers at a rate of one second per second. Now the 5th demention is one we don’t move at all in. But we do exist in (Am I clear? This must seem painfully obvious to all you). This 5th dimention is probability, how likely things are to happen. Now I have NO idea how to wrap this up. So thank you for listening to me. What do you think about my theory?
The Wolven Theorist