Last night I downloaded and took the test from the link provided by SmackFu.
The test consists of 4 parts. Part 1 is 20 multiple-choice questions, worth 2 credits each. There are 4 choices for each question, and no points off for guessing. Also, the test instructions say to award full credit if the taker has written the correct answer, rather than write the index 1-4 corresponding to the correct answer.
I would say about 6 questions are mostly definitional, ex: which shape does not have rotational symmetry? 1)trapezoid 2)regular pentagon 3)circle 4)square. I actually don’t like this question, because a circle can be rotated any value around it’s center and correspond to the first position. The square and triangle are invariant under rotations of 90 and 72 degrees, but the trapezoid also map back to itself after 360 degrees. Ya I know, that’s the identity of this symmetry group of one element, but I think they could have made a better question about rotational sym.
I missed this one: Pick the inverse of the statement “If Julie works hard, then she succeeds”. I had a little to drink last night and picked the converse instead of the inverse. There is another question on the test which requires you to know that a statement and it’s contrapositive (though def. is not used) are logically equivlaent.
I also did not like this question: “If the expression 3 - 4^2 + 6/2 is evaluated, what should be done last?”. 1)subtracting, 2)squaring, 3)adding 4)dividing. The actual typsetting has the squaring with a superscript 2, and the last division is shown with a small 6 over a horizontal bar over a small 2. Obviously, they want to see if you understand that exponentiation has highest priority, then division, mult., and last adding and subtracting. However, adding 3 and 3 and then subtracting 16 is a perfectly fine way to compute this result.
Part II has 5 problems worth 2 credits each. I missed part of two questions. One asked about a geometric construct I did not recognize: A “median” from an angle to the opposite side in a triangle.
Part III has 5 problems worth 3 credits, part IV 5 questions worth 4 credits. I objected to the scoring criteria for one problem in the last section. The instructions are to graph y = -x^2 + 20x. It says to sketch a graph of the arc… However, the grading instructions say to give only 3/4 if the parabola is drawn, but no table of values or labeled points are shown. The question did not ask for these.
From the instructions, it appears a passing score is greater than 46 credits.