NY state college football?

How come New York universities field so few Division I-A college football teams? Off the top of my head, I can only think of Syracuse, Army, and Buffalo (only recently). As the 2nd most populated state with NYC, I figured it would be a recruiting hotbed. The nearest DI-A school to NYC is Rutgers, although I’m not sure that counts that as Division I :wink:

None of the SUNY schools have DI-A teams, either. Why is that?

The SUNYs just don’t have the budgets to afford D-IA football. It’s very expensive to run and you need a stadium of a certain size to qualify.

And since there is little tradition of college football in the NYC metro area aside from Army, I doubt you could get crowds to go to college football games there.

The Kickoff Classic this year at the Meadowlands drew poorly despite Syracuse’s presence.