I got a fun trip coming up. My wife is going for business in Manhattan (55th & Madison), so I’m going along to “keep her company”, of course. What this means is (besides the free hotel) is while she’s at her seminar from 8-5 for 3 days, I will have all of Manhattan to wander around.
I can go wherever I want, as long as I want, and then get her after her work stuff. I am just drooling about all the pictures I’ll be taking and the areas I’ll explore. No time wasted in Bloomingdale’s, Macy’s, Century 21, etc (at least until 5pm).
However, I won’t be completely alone; my 22-month-old daughter Anya is chaperoning me.
I pretty much know what areas I want to see, as you folks were very helpful in 2002. But, with the little one along, I do some additional things to consider. Please recommend me some kid-friendly things!
I’ll want to stay on Manhattan, although re-walking across the Brooklyn Bridge is a must. I’ll have a stroller, so it’s not like I’ll tire her out. I’m not really concerned with her being bored, as she’s so curious. Since she’s about 2, it’s not like I plan to make this an educational trip for her, but I would like her to have some fun.
My list so far
[li]American Museum of Natural History (possibly with Planetarium)[/li][li]Central Park Zoo[/li][li]She loves playgrounds, which is a good one in Central Park?[/li][li]Circle Island or Staten Island (she loves boat rides; I love skylines)[/li][li]Children’s Museum of Manhattan (has anyone been there?)[/li][li]Rowboat in Central Park (we did this last time and loved it)[/li][li]Toys R Us in Times Square (I heard this has all but passed FAO in fun stuff)[/li][/ul]
I wouldn’t be opposed to events for her, even if it was story time at a library.
Most importantly, I need places to eat. The main reason is her second birthday is on 4/24, and I’d like to take her somewhere fun.
I’m sure I’ll think of more questions.