Oathkeepers.org for US military/police/etc

They should call themselves the Oath Breakers!

I agree with #2, #3, #7, and #10

#4, #5, #6, and #9 needs more explanation

#1 and #8 are just stupid.

I’d argue they’re much less than that.

The militia groups that were so much in the news a few years back were, at least, actual groups, often with rudimentary headquarters and command stuctures, “occupying” territory (usually someone’s farm.)

This group appears to be just people on the Internet talking shit. Words are cheap.

Before I’d agree or disagree, it would be helpful to know why you think this is important, and why the normal course of action (court challenge) is not the way to go.

Nah. They have meetings and initiation ceremonies. See here.

The Southern Poverty Law Center knows all about these assholes.

That is a serious amount of crazy.

As also mentioned in other threads: Where were these “Oathkeepers” during the Bush Admin, when some of the things they complain about were actually happenning?

Nowhere, because the President was Republican and white. Therefore whatever he was doing was to protect us from “furrin terrerists.”

Still serving the tail end of their Clinton-era prison sentences, I imagine.

I would like to see how fast these Oathkeepers would react to protect the right to weapons, search and seizure protection, free speech, etc., of American people who are not white, Christians. I think a mosque should call them up and ask for help keeping their skeet shooting club from harassment.


Maybe I’m just being uncharitable, but I can’t help wondering exactly how they define “American citizen.”

What do US military uniform regulations say about these patches that some of them seem to sew on their uniforms?

Yes, there are, and they are lauded and praised by left-wingers constantly.

Anyway, I think if there was something like this except without the part about refusing to disarm people, and a bigger emphasis on objection to the “enemy combatants,” the left-wing crowd would be falling all over themselves to praise these “brave men and women.” They would be saying, “these are the true patriots.” There would be no criticism of them at all.

Did you see that guy’s blog? Nah, he’d still be crazy.

Except there wouldn’t, because only crazy right-wingers take oaths about what they’ll do in absurd hypothetical situations.

Hmm- this is about the only scenario that has actually happened. So these traitors would have refused to capture John Walker Lindh of the field of battle in Afghanistan?

Absurd hypothetical situations?

Police went around confiscating firearms during Hurricane Katrina (the time when people needed them most) in one of America’s most egregious violations of the 2nd Amendment - this actually happened. It was real.

Americans were put into detention camps during World War II. This actually happened.

The other things on the list only seem like absurd hypotheticals because they never happened in America. They have happened in other countries, and there’s no reason to think that someday they couldn’t happen here.

The messenger of this “oathkeeping” thing may be objectionable, but the sentiment itself is not.

There’s no part of the oath against taking up arms against the lawfully elected government of the United States. I would think that would be a pretty basic thing to state about if one is truly concerned about protecting the Constitution.

In fairness, there’s also nothing about not raping children or setting fire to old ladies.

The entire thing appears to be a refusal to do things, not a plan to do anything. It’s pointless, but harmless.