I suppose this (Obama budgets $17,613 for every new illegal minor | Washington Examiner) is the original, or at least it’s at the top of a Google search. It seems every other site is quoting it.
What’s the straightdope on this? Thanks
I suppose this (Obama budgets $17,613 for every new illegal minor | Washington Examiner) is the original, or at least it’s at the top of a Google search. It seems every other site is quoting it.
What’s the straightdope on this? Thanks
That article is utterly uninformative. What are we planning to do with the money? Write them all checks? Pay for bounty hunters to kill them? Hire federal attorneys and immigration staff to handle the workload? The number is entirely meaningless without some context.
The actual source is the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that the SPLC has declared a hate group. Whether you accept their judgment or not, it’s worth knowing. Here’s the report that article references.
In any case, I’m not sure why comparing Social Security recipients to child immigrants to the US is a relevant comparison. The needs of the two different populations are very different, as are the possible social benefits of addressing those needs.
Is that a lifetime amount? I expect the typical immigrant, even if illegal, contributes more than $17k to the U.S. economy, and some will contribute significantly more.
Heck, it sounds like a bargain.
These are refugees - not “illegal” minors.
Typical right wing propaganda.
It’s hill lardons to me that the two leading contenders in the party of people who eschew this crap include:
Ted Cruz would be an anchor baby, but in Canada.
Nitpick: I think you mean mountain fatbacks.
For the most part, if someone has a problem with how the US Government spends money, they need to blame Congress not the President.
The article appears to make a huge leap between spending on each person and “benefits” for them, comparing them to SS benefits, which are direct cash payments. It’s extremely unlikely that all this money for the refugees is going to be in the form of cash paid to them.