As many Dopers and people in the press have given President Obama for, there are very strict rules now on lobbyists that get a job in the government and how/when ex staff members can take lobbying positions.
Bill Lynn is/was a lobbyist for Raytheon and was appointed to the number 2 spot in the Defense Department. Carl Levin recognized this and said:
“Given the President’s new stricter rules requiring his appointees to recuse themselves from matters or issues on which they have lobbied, the Senate Armed Services Committee will need further information before proceeding with the nomination of William J. Lynn III to be Deputy Secretary of Defense. The committee will await the administration’s assessment as to whether the new rules will preclude Mr. Lynn, who was a registered lobbyist for a defense contractor, from participating in key Department of Defense decisions, and if so, whether a waiver will be forthcoming and what the scope of the waiver will be.”
Obama also didn’t like when/how the question was phrased when he was trying to familiarize himself with the press pool.
Since this happened, Bob Gibbs sent out a statement, backing Lynn and granting him a waiver to take the position anyways: “Our waiver provisions are designed to allow uniquely qualified individuals like Bill Corr and Bill Lynn to serve the public interest in these critical times.”
How does this get reconciled and how will this situation end up?
Tricky. No way around the fact that he has Gotchya Ya’d himself with that rule. While campaigning, politicians have to make so many definite promises that it’s impossible to think any of them could actually keep all of them. This rule was obviously going to be a difficult one to adhere to absolutely, but its goal is honorable enough (and SUCH a departure from GWB) that I’m willing to overlook a couple of exceptions, and happy to see them brought to the front page when they are made. It’s still progress. Imagine that … it’s actually News that the president is appointing a lobbyist!
And isn’t it gonna be hard for the guy to do his job as well as another qualified individual without the conflicts? If I read it right, he has to “sit out” on some decisions? To me, that hurts one’s qualifications.
Well, the way I see it, there are two options. One is that the offending people are shown the door. The other is that Obama and Gates have an address and explain why these two, despite being “lobbyist scum” are equipped and are ideal for the job and why they should get waivers to do the job.
I’d like to think that this decision was made because this guy’s insight and experience is absolutely necessary to the mission, but as a (retired military) guy said on Rachel Maddow’s show, graveyards are full of indispensable men. Surely there was someone else out there who could fill the bill?
That’s a possible solution, as is appointing someone as a temporary fill-in until they can review other candidates’ qualifications in more detail. This appointment isn’t necessarily the worst thing that could happen, but it’s definitely annoying.
No one is necessary. If Obama got killed we would continue on with Biden. If the Repubs killed and ate him, we would get a replacement.
These guys should not get the jobs. There has to be someone cleaner we can get.