Obscure cult movies you were unimpressed with

Does that really qualify as “obscure cult movie?”

In the United States? Yes.

:cool: Well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.


I watched Blue Velvet at the college movie theater. Less then halfway through it me and my friends started MSTing it. We all came to the same conclusion about its suckiness at the same time.

Oh and all anime sucks moose cock. I like animation but have not been able to get through 10 minutes of any of it.

Dazed and Confused was fucked up.

Yep, in a good way

So I guess Chandler didn’t like it. :smiley:

I have never cared for Princess Bride either and I’m a huge man-child.

Yes! The wife could not believe that I had not seen it. After watching it I can’t figure out what the big deal is.

Barbarella was boring and Eraserhead was stupid.

The whole point of “cult” movies is that the soulless Phillistines do not “get” them…

I saw what you did there, man. This, uh, this uh aggression will not, uh stand, man…

Was it the kissing? It WAS a kissing movie…

I don’t know if they qualify as “cult”, but these were terrible:

Barton Fink
Naked Lunch

It might help if you remember who the movie was about. This is one of the movies my 15 yr old daughter and I can really enjoy together (she found it first).

Well, you’re obviously not into golf.

I am sure this will produce audible gasps, but I hated Harold and Maude.

Having grown up in Texas during the '70’s, *Dazed and Confused *totally hit the nail on the head.

Well, except for the hitting on teachers and smoking grass on the 50 yard line. Because all the teachers knew we were smoking grass, and we never made it to a football game because we were usually at a party on a Friday night. But yeah - BYOB underage pool hall hangouts, keg parties in the field, dosing between classes - good times.:smiley:

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

That’s what I get from taking movie tips from Summer School.

The key word being “silly.” I had vague but positive childhood memories about it, finally saw it again just a few weeks ago and was shocked by how bad it was.

Yes again. I loved H&M back in the 70’s. Saw it again 30 years later and hated it.