Ocean's Eleven question - minor detail

When Rusty is introduced teaching celebrities how to play poker, Topher Grace triumphantly declares “all reds” as though it is a valid, desirable hand. I’m watching the movie on TNT and I didn’t get a good enough look at the cards, but I think he had a straight flush (it looked out of order, though). This would make it even funnier, but not having it on DVD, I can’t check. :smack:

I thought I saw a seven, eight, nine, and Jack of hearts. I missed the fifth card, but from what I saw, it looked like the makings of a straight flush to me.

Anyone know for sure?

I don’t recall the exact cards, but he has a mix of hearts and diamonds.

He holds Jack of hearts, Trey of diamonds, Eight of diamonds, Seven of hearts, Nine of hearts.

Ah, thanks guys. Must have been my imagination.

Repeat of above post

This is a good reason to switch to 4 color decks.