Octopus here's your own thread to shit all over

… there’s also the option that your news sources are lying to you as well. That’s how, of course, Hillary Clinton became the greatest criminal mastermind in history- y’all kept saying that she was breaking crimes, but even after 12 years of Bush/Trump she still walks free.

So… is it because she’s a criminal mastermind, or is it because you were being lied to?

If the same sources who claimed, for 25 years, that HRC is a criminal (though never indicted!) are now claiming that a bunch of ‘Biden supporters’ :snerk: are criminally destroying property w/o any indictments, I would… being a man… start to wonder if these people I’m listening to have any credibility whatsoever.

Or I could choose to believe their emotionally-addictive lies.

Back in 1998-2003 I chose option 1. Currently, you are choosing option 2.

Google Photos

I’m sure this part of the claim is at least trivially true. There are most likely Biden supporters who criminally destroy property, but aren’t indicted.


There’s option 3: he knows his sources are shit – which is the real reason he won’t present them – but repeats them anyway because he’s a troll.

I’m assuming good faith on Octopussy’s part here, but yes, there is an option 3.

That is like dropping a brick and assuming it will fall up.

Holy shit, man. Holy shit. I go away for three years and you become an utter raving lunatic.

Left Hand of Dorkness:

This is very true. I saw a torture chamber organized by some social justice warriors. JK Rowling was stretched on a rack, and I heard her screams as her body was torn apart. Louis CK was in the iron maiden, and his blood pooled on the floor and ran toward the drain. And out front, the SJWs were building an actual pyre around a stake to which they’d lashed a local Blue Lives Matter activist; and soon we knew that his fat would bubble from his flesh as he screamed for mercy.

But none of this compared to the literal crusade they were organizing against the entire state of Idaho, where they planned to dash the heads of unbelievers’ babies against the cobblestones in an effort to reclaim the state for their leftist gods.

I’m so glad you made this incredibly important and accurate point.


You don’t see me banning, deplatforming, silencing, or physically assaulting others based on hypocritical or contrived standards of wokeful purity. The woke on the other hand are. If they had more real power then they currently do LHOD’s attempt at satire would be a reality.

WTF man. WTF. If you can’t make a reasonable argument just please stay the fuck out of the conversation.

  1. Buy a history book.
  2. Read it. For comprehension, preferably.
  3. ??? Only 3 ? not 4 ? cause I’m lazy.
  4. Profit.

Glad to see you’re back.

I do find it amusing that on a site like this, especially on a site like this where group think, revisionist history, and the inabilIty to honestly and accurately parse clear English is pervasive that the dangers of wokeness and other bludgeons of ideological purity are dismissed.

And where oh where is your concern with regards to the vast majority of ridiculously exaggerated claims made about anyone to the right of Lenin on this board? At least my claim is historically accurate.

You’ve seemed to have hit all the right wing buzz phrases, but you forgot to yell “Bingo!”.

Ah hell! The bingo! Game. Alright, I get a stamp. Thanks for the reminder.

While we’re on the subject, this illustrates my problem with Liberals. You know I’ve checked out classic Liberalism before. Listened to Liberal podcasts, tried to be open-minded, but what it all boiled down to was just rampant obsession with the minority of crazy leftists and completely ignoring the very real threat posed by the right and unfolding in our own country at this very instant. Also they ignore systemic oppression. So yeah, not for me.

You’re not a radical.

Yes, our inability to live by the Rules of Zotti is something we should be ashamed of . . . or not.

It is when the message board has a stated purpose. Nothing is stopping others from creating their own hives.

The board’s purpose is not, and never has been, to follow the Rules of Zotti.
But, clearly, you are more at home in a dictatorship.

Ha! No. I’m at home where x is x and not y because it suits someone’s personal agenda.

Are you still obsessed with bees?

To the extent that I disagree with the most extreme claims against conservatives, it’s a losing battle. But these claims seem less and less extreme in the wake of our current administration. This is not business as usual. We are facing an existential threat to democracy, and it isn’t “wokeness” about to push our country into autocratic madness.

Reading his snide, ahistorical bullshit today is just about putting me over the edge. Governors are facing white supremacist kidnapping plots, white supremacist terrorists are shutting down universities, corporations are looking to hire special forces vets to “protect” voting sites, the president is telling white supremacist gangs to stand by, and this dumb motherfucker is telling me I should be worried because of someone’s skirt?

Silence is consent, and his continued willingness to give a pass to violent white supremacist terrorism is his way of promoting violence. Don’t believe his claims: he’s right there for tyranny. He just wants to be sure it’s on his side.

Fun thing about tyranny.

It’s never on your side.

We are about to have an election with a peaceful transfer of power. Aside from Biden supporters burning stuff down and looting Target if their side loses what is there to fear? In 5-6 week we’ll see who’s right.