As long as I can remember, I’ve known I am going to die when I am 23. I have no proof of this, nor any reason to believe it. I just know. Anyone else know when YOU’RE gonna die?
As long as I can remember, I’ve known I am going to die when I am 23. I have no proof of this, nor any reason to believe it. I just know. Anyone else know when YOU’RE gonna die?
When I was in my early teens I had a conviction that I would die when I was 27. That seemed very far away at that age, of course, but I was quite sure of it for a few years. I was so depressed at the time that it wasn’t really that disturbing a prospect. (Are you depressed, Tim? If you are, please see someone; it rarely goes away on its own.)
Anyway, I’m closing in on 38 now and am not posting from the Great Beyond (though I’m in L.A., which some folks think is the same thing). So don’t go running up those credit card bills just yet
Yep, I’m gonna die two months ago.
Homer, I thought I would die by 16, then it was by 35. Ha ! I will be 42 at the end of the month. :eek:
You ain’t getting away from us that easy buddy !
And I second Catrandom on seeing someone if you are depressed. It is very important. (I was born depressed and have had several relapses, being on anti-depressants has helped me a lot.)
I don’t know WHEN I’m going to die, but I know HOW: Gunshot wounds.
However, I HAVE had odd premonitions about my impending death. Several times, I’d be doing something completely mundane, then suddenly get a cold, sharp feeling of hopelessness and remorse, and a bit of fear, too, along with the image of me… well… dying.
Kind of creepy.
However, those are my bad days. Every other day, I know I’m going to live forever… and someday, rule the Universe.
I’m never going to die?
I’m 25, and I still think I’m going to live forever. Am I too old for such thoughts? If so, well, I’m sorry, but the future seems to interesting to miss.
Well, I’m going to get shot by one of my girlfriends’ jealous husbands at 110.
my friends and i took bets on who would kick the bucket first. always thought i wouldn’t make it past 19, then i did. there were 7 of us left, 2 dead. then i thought it would be 25 for me. nope. 4 of us left, i’m still here. drug free, alcohol free.
drugs are bad, hmmmmmm.
don’t do drugs.
In my teens, I thought i would die in my early 20’s. Maybe it was just depression. But now (I’m turning 21 July 31st) I feel like i’m going to die around 80. Maybe it’s just withful thinking. I took a death test that someone from SDMB posted a link too -although now i don’t remember what site it was- and it said I would die in June 2057. Which would make me 77. I’ll take that, of course the test was a joke test. Hopefully some scientists will learn how to make us live forever before I die.
I thought I was gonna die last Thursday when I went in for my surgery. Every time I have to go to a hospital I think something’s gonna go wrong and I’m gonna die. So far it’s only been 4 times - the birth of my two children, one minor surgery a year ago and surgery last Thursday.
Hopefully I’ll live long enough to see my kids graduate from high school and college. I hate the thought of my kids growing up without me so I plan to be around a long time!
Every night, when I pray before bed, I pray I won’t wake up again. Every day I do. I’m sure it’ll come true one of these days. I’m hoping for a quick anuerysm or heart attack.
I’ve felt for years that I’m going to be hit by a bus at age 87. I’m always a little extra cautious when I cross the street in front of a bus, although I’m still a long way from 87.
For as long as I could remember, I have been convinced that I will die when I’m 97. I remember telling a teacher that in 5th grade. So, I’m 17 now. That means I got 80 years stretched out ahead of me.
I have always known that I will die from strangulation at 45. I’ve never been depressed about it, just always knew that.
I’m going to die* on September 18, 2047. Oddly enough, I’m supposed to get married** on the same day 43 years earlier.
*Death date from a psychic.
**Marriage date from a test found at