Odd things heard at a piping lesson...

Went to my piping lesson last week; it’s with an old Army piper, and there’s another guy in the session, both retired.

We were practising one piece, and we kept going wrong. Piping instructor figured out that I had a different arrangement to the tune than the other guy; at the trouble spot, the arrangement I had hit a high F, but the the other guy’s arrangment went to a low A.

Piping instructor commented that this tune had a lot of arrangements, and it was mainly a matter of personal choice; some liked the lower setting, some like the higher one.

Piping instructor: “Personally, I like the lower arrangement. I prefer going down.”

Other guy: “Yeah, I like going down too.”

Long pause.

Piping instructor: “That’s not quite what I meant to say.” Followed by a deep Scottish chortle.

Sounds like something Fat Bastard might say. :stuck_out_tongue:

They say the ladies have got to admire a man who can blow, finger and squeeze all at the same time…

I don’t think it’s ladies who admire that…:dubious:

Only if you’re using “blow” in the figurative sense! :rolleyes:

I’ve never had a girlfriend who didn’t appreciate a tiny puff of air now and again, whether it was in her ear or in more sensitive spots. :stuck_out_tongue: