Oddest place you met someone you later went out with

I have a male friend who went to a knitting club meeting on a whim (he wanted to learn). He met a nice girl there and married her two years later.

Well, I met my wife at the local rape crisis center, where I was a volunteer and she was a staff member…I suppose that’s kinda wierd.

Well, not so weird but once I dated a woman who was sitting next to me on an airplane.

I once met a very nice guy at the city zoo. I was standing near the bears’ den, but the bears were nowhere to be seen. Suddenly there were loud, strange bear noises coming from within the hidden portions of the den, and a male onlooker said “Sounds like they’re mating.” A middle-aged woman said “I wonder if they’ll come out if I throw them some marshmallows.” The man said “I doubt it. Would you?”

Well, I just knew that this guy was someone I would get along with. We started chatting. We left the zoo together, spent the night together, and dated for two years, breaking up only when I became very ill and he couldn’t handle being around an invalid.

Looney bin. We were both inmates. He asked to borrow my nail clipper, which I had somehow managed to get past the nurses. “Here,” he said, as he handed it back to me under the table in the day room. “Quick, before the screws see us!”

He won my heart, and fours years later, we’re still together.