The garage was wooden. And, lo, the termites did come and, lo, did they eat of the garage. And, yea, verily, did the roof collapse, and the walls, they did fall. And there would be no more garage, no more covered storage, for thine useless junk.
And then there came a time of peace, the termites, they did flee after the great feast. And, lo was there a pile of rotten wood and shingles lying amongst the stuff that was useless.
And, lo, did I harken to the pages the color of sunshine and lemonade to seek the taker away of yon fetid pile. And a price was given. And it was 120 score dollars. And the price was good (well, better than most).
So I beckoned to the demolisher of residential structures and, yea, did his secretary promise the he shall returneth the call.
And, lo, did I waiteth for the call.
And the call, it did not come.
And again did I beckon to yon secretary and, yeah, didst she promise that thine boss shall call upon me.
And the call did not cometh.
Back to the pages of goldenrod didst I return to seek another who doth posess the strength of Zeus.
And I did find another who didth promise to free me of my hideous rubble.
And the price was 100 score dollars.
And the price was better!
And lo, did he cometh and, lo, after 2 passages of the sun through the sky didst he remove it.
Of the first man, I heard from again no more, for he is graced (apparently) with more business than he can handle. And it was good.
And he shall get no recommendation from me. And so I beggeth him to biteth mine hindquarters.