Oglaf appreciation thread - very NSFW - hilarious pornographic webcomic

No, it all appears to be Ivan’s mistress. All of the servants in panels 2, 4, and 6 are wearing her mark* (also 1, but it’s small and indistinct there) - ie, the same tattoo (or, likely, brand) that Ivan has - she’s flanked by her usual guards in panels 1 and 6, the chair in 3 and throne in 6 have her mark on it, and the Xoan ambassador is with her in panel 5.

  • The mark first appears in Cumsprite - page 2, on an arch Ivan is chasing the cumsprite past - but since we don’t get a good look at any of her servants chests for a while, the first time we see that her servants wear it, rather than it just being on all her property, is Cockhunt, when it can be seen on a guard’s breast when Ivan is reporting to Mistress.

The hair’s a different color for each of them. And if it is all Ivan’s mistress, then to whom is she addressing the plea in the last panel?

I find it very hard to believe that you think they’re all different.

I had thought it was quite obvious that Ivan was “sending” cumsprites en masse to Mistress and they were frequently assaulting her at inopportune times. A frequency that finally pays off in the last panel where she breaks and has someone pay the ransom instead of just getting a new apprentice.

There seems to be a mark above the left breast of two of the servant girls in the bathing scene as well. I suspect that’s simply the Mistress’ mark.

Not so – her hair color is the same in panels 1, 4, and 6.

Her minions. Who else?

Each of those panels has a very strong color theme. I think this is just the artist having fun, and besides, the Mistress would certainly be able to change her hair color to match her clothing choice.

Hell, Ivan has been suffering throughout his apprenticeship. Remember, the first comic is Cumsprite, when he learns that he’s forbidden to masturbate at all, lest he wank himself into a coma after oiling down Mistress’s new captives.

If he survives, he’ll probably realize that he should have just enjoyed his days of captivity when he had them. I mean, he’s probably getting fed, watered, and sheltered at least as well as when he was serving Mistress…plus he can wank all he wants to, right now.

I’m at work so I can’t look it up, but the Apprentice’s name was revealed a few weeks back when the Ambassador wanted to use him as a rowboat. The “SS Ivan” or something like that.

I wish the comic had it’s own forum, so I could make a variety of appreciative, yet sick, comments on the storyline.

For example: someday, someone, is going to knock the cabinet over. http://www.oglaf.com/100_eyes2.html And I hope mistress has a bathtub handy.

Ewww. Ewww. Why did I type that? Why did I press Submit Reply? This is SDMB, you know, LHC questions, explain politics, identify bugs, that sort of thing. :o

He “told” one to find her, but the nature of the cumsprite curse is that every load he shoots makes its way to her to rat him out for jerking off. I’m pretty sure that when he does it now, it’s just to pass the time.

I think that collection he has in his closet would have done the same thing if he hadn’t been trapping them in jars. She really should be thanking him for the fact that she didn’t have to endure those.

But like I said, he is going to be in some deep shit when he is ransomed.

Good stuff. I didn’t guess where that kidnapping storyline was going. Well done, O faithful cumsprite!

An interview, of sorts, with creator Trudy Cooper.

Warning: The rest of that site is almost as NSFW as Oglaf itself.

But how would she be telling her minions to pay the ransom? They don’t have the money; she does. It’d make more sense for her to say “I’ll pay the fucking ransom already”.

She can always give them permission to take her money.

This gives a new spin to the term, “Money shot.”

Ow. Jesus. Shoulda seen that one, erm… coming.

She’s used to barking out (or purring) orders. One of her nearby minions obviously has the palace checkbook.

Oglaf seems to have undergone some change that broke some of the links; including my bookmark. This link leads to the archives page. The only differences I notice is that now it’s ordered most recent-to-oldest from the top, instead of the other way around; the “Emancipation” mouseover is gone; and that the dead links are the ones ending in html/

Like so.

I’d say I did a spit take, but you jerks would probably make fun of me. :wink: