A friend’s kitten (about 12 weeks) has been diagnosed with what he’s calling “FIP.” His vet says it will probably kill the little dear.
Questions: What is FIP? Is it probably terminal in a small kitten? (appetite fine, but wants to sleep the rest of the time, breathing shallowly) Is there anything that can be done for it?
Okay, it’s not like I don’t trust my friend’s vet, but I know you and trust you more.
our cat, is also 13weeks old, but does not have this disease, but we had her tested for it a week or so ago. My understanding of this is such----
FIP is not a typical infectious disease. The cat’s immune system, in an attempt to help protect the cat against FIP, actually speeds the process of the disease. The immunemediated nature of FIP is the reason why it has taken many years to develop a successful vaccine.
Twenty-five to 40 percent of cats in the general feline population (excluding catteries and multiple-cat households) have developed antibodies to coronavirus, the virus group that includes the FIP virus. Where cats are congregated in large groups, that number can be either zero or 80 to 95 percent, depending on the presence of coronavirus. This exposure may or may not result in FIP infection. * However, once signs of FIP occur, the disease cannot be effectively treated or cured, And, in almost all cases, FIP is fatal * . Although symptoms vary widely, certain signs are characteristic of FIP.
There is a new medicine you can try, but I think it is just preventative-
Primucell FIP® is the first successful vaccine to help prevent FIP.
Hope this Helped!!-and hope the little feller either pulls through, or passes away painlessly as possible.
dropzone, when Kobii was really sick recently, the vet did a test for FIP. (Fortunately it was negative) He said that sometimes prednisone can cause a sort of remission, sometimes for months, sometimes for years and sometimes it does not work at all.
Having just gone through the agony of almost losing my kittychild, my heart aches for your friends. I hope that they are one of the lucky ones who can keep their baby in remission for years.
Thanks for the info, Ad. I’ve heard of coronaviruseseses. (I was once corrected here on the plural of “virus,” so I swore I would never spell it right again. I’m spiteful.)
Scotti-hon, I’ll pass that along, too. He’s such a sweet little kitty. And I’m not allergic to him–yet. When Joe came in and said that he wouldn’t be with them much longer I thought he had wrecked Joe’s stereo (very nice system) and would have to move out. I was all set to offer it a home–my stereo is older than most of the Dopers. After Joe was done telling me the story this big tough soldier had tears in his eyes. I think I’m crying for him and his wife right now.
everything AdNoctum said was correct (but let’s give some credit to SmithKline Beecham, who printed that handout).
FIP is bad news, and deadly. I’m sorry to hear that your friend’s kitten has this disease. Tell your friend to speak with the vet before getting another cat, as the environment is probably contaminated.