Oh, my God, I'm twenty today

Happy Birthday, Kythereia! I baked up somethin’ twee for ye.
Previews to make sure I coded properly. Previews again to make sure it linked to the correct picture this time. Previews one more time to make sure the damn thing doesn’t have “penis” written all over it, like this one. I’ve made that mistake before. Okay. I think we’re safe.

So, we just canceling July 29th all together this year? :smiley:

Happy Birthday Kythereia, now go fetch me my teeth so’s I can smile at ya!

I’m pushing 35. Get off my lawn and turn down that racket! Don’t make me- zzzzzzzz…(Channeling Abe Simpson)

Happy 20th! :smiley:

::runs nekkid through thread::

Happy Birthday, Kythereia! Twenty’s really not that old. Like, at all. But, I know how you feel-- I’m turning eighteen soon and I start panicking at the mere thought of it. We’re just being silly. I hope.

Oh, hell. Now I can’t stop thinking about it. There are only 161 days until I turn eighteen. WTF-- where did the time go? My life is over. Might as well just bury me now.I don’t want to be all gross an’ old! Great. Now I’m hyperventilating. Fan-freakin’-tastic.

You’re 17? Brat, don’t make me fly out there to PA and beat you…old and gross indeed…unless you’re into that sort of thing in which case I’ll fly out to PA and NOT beat you. HAH!

Kids these days… (you actually sound like my BF, he’s 25 and whining that he’s too old…of course in gay terms I’m over the hill now but ah well)

At least I don’t have to worry about getting gross- I’ve been gross my whole life. :smiley:

Don’t worry, things just keep getting better. Happy Birthday. :slight_smile:

Happy Birthday!

Stay 100 miles away from Nevada for the next year, trust me.

Excellent question, and of course for that reason it has no answer. You’ll ask it many many many times in the future, I hope. Human life is like that.

As far as I can tell, getting older gets harder and harder all the time, but given the alternative, I’ll accept what I can get! :smiley:

I do observe that having children seems to make people really much much older than their chronological age. I used to think that this was because of the stress.

I’m beginning to think, though, that you get “old” when you start believing you have all the answers. Since this is a natural outgrowth of parenting, I suspect that you get “old” when you forget to be a “human” or an “adult” and stay all the time as a “parent”.

You have been warned.

This sort of thing depresses me. Twenty and you think you’re OLD?

I turned 47 two days ago. It occurs to me that in three years’ time I’ll be fifty. Fifty! Do I feel fifty, or anything near it? Noooooooooo!

Happy birthday, Kyth! :slight_smile:

Welcome to your twenties. You are now in the prime discretionary-income demographic, and everyone and their brother will be trying to [del]scam you[/del] sell you stuff. Has anyone tried to sell you a credit card yet? Beware. Also, watch out for banks, bills, and Things You Have To Pay.

On the other hand, you’re still young and good-looking, so you can party for at least another ten years. :smiley:

In celebration, would you like some home-made orange-pineapple-ginger ice-cream?

Fark, at twenty I was still wanting to be older.

Anyway, it does get better. I hated being a teenager. Your twenties are fine. Thirties are even better.

Happy 20th!!

I spent the night of my 20th birthday hiding in my girlfriend’s mother’s house with my girlfriend, because that’s one place the police didn’t know to look for me. Seems SOMEONE spray-painted “Happy 20th MBG” in red paint on the big boulder in front of village hall.

Hope yours is slightly less eventful.


On the other hand, that “fugitive from the law” sex was pretty memorable.

PS: It wasn’t me.

Oh to live on sugar mountain, with the barkers and the colored balloons. You can’t be 20 on sugar mountain. Though you’re thinking that you’re leaving there too soon, you’re leaving there too soon. (Neil Young)

Today is my birthday.
Yay us.
(except since I’m old and you’re young, your “yays” are louder)

Happy Birthday, Kyth!

Sorry that you’re over the hill now… :wink:

Happy Birthday!

How about a Kith from Kyth[/lisp]?

Ha! Get it! It’s funny!


Anyways, welcome to adulthood - it’s a lot of the same actually.

Happy birthday! :slight_smile:

Hah! I’ll just laugh that you’re a full fifteen days older than I am.

And I won’t at all contemplate that oh god 20 is a grown up age and I’m not living with my parents and not even in school and have a job and am paying rent and doing my own grocery shopping and all that and I don’t want to get old!

ahem Happy birthday, by the way.