I just finished a chocolate chip cookie that I made last night. Well, actually, I made it with Mr. Rilch’s assistance. I don’t have an electric mixer at the moment (though I will soon, and then I plan to make the mother of all cakes), so I called upon Mr. Rilch to stir in the flour, chocolate chips, and, in one of two batches, the walnuts. He did it far better and faster than I ever have, too!
While they were baking, Friend Down South called. When he asked what I was “up to”, I couldn’t resist saying, “Oh, just baking some cookies!” “Aw, you’re such a good wife…” he groaned*.
So I just had one of the non-walnut ones. And every bite was a symphony. The recipe supposedly yields ~two dozen, but I make 'em big, so there are (were) eighteen of each. Is it not great, when you’re eating something terrific, to know that you’re the source of it, so you can do it again as many times as you like? Instead of having to budget another purchase, or hope you can cajole the other person into making some more, or hope that the store/company never goes out of business?
So you can keep your Soft Batch, your Chewy Chips Ahoy, your Mrs. Fields, AND your Otis Spunkmeyer! I, Rilchiam, am the cookie-baking goddess of the West Coast!
(I said there’d be bragging!)
*He got divorced from a psycho about two years ago, and his current SO is another breed of psycho. Which is why he was calling. After her latest stunt, he knew he’d have to call this off, but he wanted to discuss the matter with Mr. Rilch, so now he can’t not break up with her, knowing that someone else knows what happened, and will remind him that it would be extremely foolish to stay with her after this. I won’t tell you what happened; it would be a subject for a Pit thread, except that there’s nothing to Pit, because “it’s not gonna happen again; I can tellya that!” Anyway, my point is, neither one’a them ever baked anything! Except maybe from those dough cylinders.