This may sound strange coming from an anarcho capitalist, but I’m an anarcho-capitalist because I am, and have always been, a patriot. The most important part of our society has always been, to me, the Bill of Rights, which enumerates some of the rights people have by simply being born, despite the government under which they live.
I have fought through words, and votes, and rants and tears the abuses of my and other governments upon the rights of human beings around the world, and most importantly within the United States, and I have suffered deep shame seeing the patriotism I have always felt used as an excuse to market indefensible actions by my government.
Today, though, my government was forced by the most hideous event of my lifetime to swing itself back to its core responsibility - safeguarding the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for its citizenry. I am not angry because the most vile people on the planet struck out against my government. I am angry because they slaughtered thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of individuals - each of whom were born with the rights I have spent my entire adult life promoting and defending.
I am proud to be an American today. I am proud that my country has rallied with message relays and prayers and countless thousands - if not millions - of gallons of blood to aid their brothers and sisters - people with whom they have nothing in common except their birthright - the right to live, to be free and to pursue their happiness.
Tonight, for the first time ever, I stand unabashedly in support of my government as it seeks to rescue those still alive, bury those dead and destroy those responsible. When the crisis has passed, when justice has been served and things return to as close a proximity to normal as they can, I am certain I will again argue with my government as it tries to expand its powers into the lives of its citizens for their “security” and “safety” and as it tries to unduly influence the people and governments of other nations, but on this night - and on every night until this matter is closed - we are all united.
There is an old saying, “My enemy’s enemy is not my enemy.” As a result, I don’t have a beef with the government today, as we have a common enemy - the dead men walking who killed our brothers.
There is another saying, “Me against my brother, my brother against my cousin, me and my cousin against the world.” These bastards have made Americans a family again, and we will surely turn back on each other again later, but until this is over, our front is united and we are one people with one goal - to save those left and avenge those fallen.