Please pick the deer carcass. For gawd’s sake, it is fucking disgusting that these carcasses are left rotting on the side of the roads of Ohio.
I could understand a missed carcass or two in an out of the way location, but fer cryin out loud, they seem to be everywhere this year!
As high as the unemployment rate is in our state, I’d think that there are people that we could hire to drive around and scoop these things up for proper disposal.
These things are disgusting and it’s probably enough to make a little child have a Bambi nightmare…let’s do something about it…OK?
There was a dead cat laying beside a freeway exit for months up here last year. I even called and notified the street crews after the first couple weeks…but still it sat. I got to observe first hand the lovely decomposition process from bloat to sag to petrification-blech! They finally removed it during the city-wide cleanup before G.W. came to town for campaigning. Guess they figure us peons can handle animal corpses, but the prez. might be scandalized. :rolleyes:
A couple of years back, when I was still living in Ohio, I was driving along a mostly unlit road at night. I saw a vehicle stopped up ahead, but before I came to a stop, I ran over something- a doe. The SUV up ahead had hit it, and I hit it again. (Someone else eventually hit it a third time but sped off). Naturally the lady in the SUV, me, and someone who stopped to help call someone who might be in charge of that kind of thing. After an hour, a highway patrol officer or something like that showed up, confirmed our cars were safe to drive, then dragged the deer to a ditch. I could have done that myself. It was there for several days; I’m guessing someone from one of the houses a few hundred feet away eventually took care of it.
About a month ago, I noticed a freshly killed squirrel while biking to school. Now, the squirrel is still there, and it has been completely flattened, and is apparently like a stiff, but malleable piece of paper - I once saw part of it looking like it was half scraped up…
Oh well, I guess it’s “just a squirrel” to them big peoples.
Hmm… Isn’t it a public health risk to leave carcasses rotting on the side of the road? I seem to think the state Dept. of Transportation is supposed to clean them up. Anyway, SOMEBODY’S definitely supposed to get rid of them.
[roadkill-related semi-hijack] I almost hit a kitty last week. Didn’t even see it, when it came running out in front of my car (black cat crossing the street at night. Very smart). Fortunately, kitty got across the road okay, but startled me something awful.[/R-RS-H]
There was a dead squirrel on campus a couple of weeks ago - it was there for a few hours, until I finally called it in, and when I walked by that part of the path again about 2 hours later, it was gone. At least some people recognize that it’s disgusting and potentially harmful (especially a squirrel that dies in the open, not hit by a car, when in the previous weeks West Nile virus had been confirmed across the street by the vets…).
Could some one please explain the weekly rotation we have around here. One week it is skunks, then opossums. then squirrels, then raccoons then back to skunks and around we go again. No one picks them up except the buzzards and crows and the occasional really hungry dog. Deer is seldom left road side, to many people like to eat it . The weekly rotation is really strange though, moon phases? I have no idea but it seems to be what I see out and about on a regular basis.
Roadkill is nothing. What about men who you see opening their car door at a red light so they can reach down and expectorate the loogy they’ve just dislodged from the back of their throat? Right there on the pavement in front of everyone.
After seeing that I can’t even fondly reminisce on my youthful habit of licking tires.
Oh, and you can’t even talk about rotten roadkill without mentioning the Pennyslvania Turnpike.
I always see squirrels and rabbit carcasses on the roads here… I always thought that if enough people ran it over, the body parts would get stuck to each persons tires, eventually leaving nothing but a bloodstained road. Never thought someone actually picks the things up.