Oi, Lunchbox, quit fucking about!(co-worker complaint)

About 3 months ago I started a new job at my local Sherwin-Williams store. It wasn’t bad at first but then it started going downhill fast. Just as the job was becoming tolerable again the powers that be decided to throw me another curveball named Kevin.

Kevin is 18 years old and just finished his first year of college at University of Michigan and started back up at my store about a month ago. He had worked there for a few months last summer, long before my arrival, but he had quit to go to school. After some employee snafu’s the manager decided to bring him back rather than hire someone with no experience just as our busy season is starting.

Just before his return, the other employee’s who I get along very well with , informed me that Kevin was a lazy, dishonest, backstabbing glory-hog. The only reason he was hired back was because of he already got all the hard training out of the way.

Upon his arrival he looked like the golden employee. Everyone told me that college must of changed him and that it looks like he might work out again. Well they were dead wrong.

Within the last two weeks he has become one of my least favorite people and seems to of chosen me as his new target.

The first thing he did one day was as soon as me and him were the only ones in the store(the managers had to both make deliveries) was to install himself on a table for the next 45 minutes. I, on the other hand was waiting on customers, tinting paint, and had both phone lines on hold. The only time fucko got up was when I asked him to look in the back for a certain product and bring it up front to tint. He did this but only after walking away muttering under his breath. Upon his return he sat down on his table next to the tinter and use the 5-gallon bucket he just retrieved as a foot rest. I told the manager’s when they got back and they said they would talk to him about it. When I asked what happened the next day, the Asst. Manager told me that at first Kevin denied what happened and then tried to defend himself by saying that he was my boss. The Asst. promptly told him that technically I was his boss.

Well after this incident his bad work behavior has increased. He loses orders, leaves half-finished custom matches to be done but doesn’t inform the rest of us, puts unfinished orders in with the finished ones, takes multiple lunch breaks each day when the rest of us are working hard as hell and he seems to have made me his personal project to piss off. He follows me around all time and looks over my shoulder to make sure I’m doing everything right. And if I do something wrong or other than the way he does it, He loudly informs me and everyone within earshot what I’m doing wrong and how he can fix it.

I understand that I’m still somewhat new but he only worked there a month longer than me and that was a year ago. If I need help I will ask for it but please leave me alone to work.

And today was the icing on the cake. Last week I sprained my wrist which is now almost better but I must have traded it for pulling the muscle in my back the other day. Now I’m working as best I can and the people there realize that accidents and injuries do occur on the job and have cut me a little slack until I mend.

Now today after putting an incomplete order in with the finished ones(thank fuck someone caught that) he asked if I would help him fill it. It was a medium sized order , just a few 5-gallon buckets of paint(which weigh between 50-80 pounds) and some single gallons. I agreed since after all, I am at work. As soon as I said I would help he walks towards the single gallons and says over his shoulder “I’ll get the light stuff” Ok, thanks asshole. I went in back and got the 5’s and on my way back to the front I see him eating his lunch in the office when he was off of work in less than an hour. When I got back to the front I saw that he left his single gallons in front of the shakers waiting to be mixed.

I’ve had enough of this guy. I already didn’t like my job and now that he’s back I’m ready to pack it in, but I promised the manager, who I met outside of work before I got my job, that I would stay through the summer. If this keeps up its going to come down to either I go or he goes.
Wow that felt good. Thanks for listening. I needed that.

I think this thread would look just lovely in MPSIMS. It’ll match the drapes.

Why don’t you tell the manager what’s going on, and get some co-workers to back you up. Then if he does nothing just say you promised to stay but you can’t work with a fool like this guy and he either gets his act together, gets fired, or you leave.

Seconded. Sounds like the management is wimping out of a decision. I say give them the ultimatum (ie. take Kevin the Tosser in hand or you’ll be leaving instead). They are presumably turning a blind eye because they need trained staff - well they need you as well as him (if not more). Make them make the call!

Oh, and document the numerous lunchbreaks etc. If you’re his boss, you should call him on it, and note it if he defies you. Adds a lot of weight to your case…

Definately, if you document or note his crappy work habits it changes the situation from “he said, the other guy said” and makes it legit.