Aside from the obvious environmental benefits of using renewable resources for energy (solar power, wind power, etc) wouldn’t this cripple the power of many countries we keep having problems with (i.e. Iraq)? Wouldn’t bankrupting nations such as Saudi Arabia help Israel, which, in turn, would help the U.S.? I realize the oil embargo didn’t cause Iraq to crumble to pieces, but it certainly prevented it from upgrading its military. I realize I’m not making a revolutionary argument here, but is the oil lobby more influential than even the military? Or, are enviornmentally-sound energy sources simply not a viable alternative to oil for the mass amounts of energy needed?
I don’t mean this simply as a ‘punishment’ to nations in the middle east (or Venezuela, or other nations that make money from oil) but it seems to be an argument that would persuade those who aren’t moved by the environmental reasons.