OK, Bush Is About To Give The Go Code To Start The War Against Iraq When ...

Estimates of death from a full-scale artillery bombardment by North Korea range as high as ten times the death toll in Hiroshima after the bomb was dropped on it.

It definitely counts as a weapon of mass destruction.

Senorbeef and Sam Stone. Unless I missed something in my education I seem to remember that WMD are chemical, biological or nuclear. The standard U.S.A doctrine is that if they are attack by any of these they will also anwer with WMD.

History will provide an example, to my knowledge the biggest artillery bombardment ever was the opening of the battle of Berlin. If you open a History book it will say that in that battle only conventional weapons were used. Tokyo was destroyed with firebombs in april 1945 and yet the americans used conventional weapons. Then Sam I disagree with you WMD are defined by the technology they use, not by it’s results. And remember that using WMD has consequences that will continue many years afterwards the last shell is shoot.

I’m not saying it’s a WMD - Sam said that the US could form a policy to treat an artillery strike as if it were a WMD, with an appropriate response.

Someone said the effects were not comparable, and I was trying to demonstrate that artillery on such a mass scale was comparable in terms of death and destruction as real WMDs.

And I say it is not comparable, if you drop a nuclear bomb year afterwards people would still suffer it’s effects