Ok explain to me this pga/golf rule

Ok heres the article

All he did was get given the wrong ball it seems … If it’s a mistake and didn’t impact anything why kill off the guy’s event? Although if it was me id of just said hmm shrugged and went on my merry way

The rule is that they don’t want players switching ball types based on the shot they were about to take. So no long yardage balls for drives and other ones for putting. It’s a local rule though, not PGA wide You can have multiple balls, in case you lose one, but they have to be the same type.

That’s really rough.

The golfer is responsible for following all the rules. It’s his job to know the rules and make sure that he follows them. There are fairly arcane rules about moving the ball, removing any vegetation near your lie, carrying the right number of clubs, etc. It’s just part of the game.

Of course they’re responsible for following the rules. That doesn’t mean the rules aren’t stupid.

well whos responsible for picking up the balls ? It said he didnt notice it until the caddy handed it to him a couple of holes later

Just use a lob wedge for that shot.

Well, in this case the rule wasn’t stupid, but I’d argue the penalty was.

I think it’s only “local” in the sense that it applies to ALL PGA events (and the three majors that are not PGA events and probably a bunch of others at high levels).

Local means it’s not in the Rules of Golf that you and I are by default expected to follow when playing a friendly round at the local municipal.

Being a pedantic git is allowed in The Game Room right?

My mistake- I thought it was a local course rule and not a PGA rule. Courses can have their idiosyncratic rules for tournaments. If it is PGA tournament wide, I stand corrected!

The One Ball Rule was in force in our company golf tournament. And we have lots of players with double digit handicaps playing there. You show a sleeve at check-in and they note it down.

We haven’t had a company tournament in at least ten years. We now have an “outing” which is much, much, more casual.

Sooooooo…(bear with me here)…you can have different clubs for different shots, but not different balls for different shots. Sounds logical.

Perfectly logical. Do you play golf?

For the same reason that the NFL has a ball inflation rule. You lose the integrity of the game when you allow gimmicking of the equipment.

Yes, and there are tons of restrictions on how many clubs and the technical specs of what clubs are and are not allowed. Ball technology is a newer thing and maybe in 10 years the rules might change, but it hasn’t so far.

There’s a limit of 14 clubs in your bag, and many players have been penalized for having too many, usually an errant club finds it way in and no one notices until too late. A few times it’s been the player’s child’s club that got hidden at the bottom of a bag, other times it was an extra club they were trying out and just left in the bag. A few times no one had a clue where the club came from or who owned it.

I could say the same thing about different clubs, yah?

Have you ever played golf?

No, because the rules outline exactly what is allowed in a legal club, and the number you can carry.

“Goldfinger” - skip ahead to the 5 minute mark if you’re bored or have seen it many times before.

And the rule makers could just as easily designate how many ball types could be used.