. . . with good reason, mind you. See, she has this habit of disappearing on us. Sometimes it’s not work-related (like when she failed to show up at my boss’s wedding, the day after she quizzed me on what I’d be wearing), but most of the time it is (too many examples to list), and it happens at least three times a year. This year it has already happened twice.
So this week, when she didn’t show up on Tuesday morning, we checked “The Book” (a datebook kept in the front of our office, where everyone writes down his/her appointments–time and location, and expected duration–for the week so that we can make sure that at least ONE of the four of us is going to be in the office at any given time) and she had blocked out Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, but wrote in no information except the name of a nearby city.
My boss was a little peeved, because she had told NOBODY that she’d be going out of town this week (she spent all of last week at a conference in Cleveland), and the general rule is that if you’re going to be out for a whole day (or more), you let everyone know verbally. But we’re all used to this kind of crap from her, and so looked forward to the drama that would ensue when she returned on Friday (well, OK, maybe my BOSS wasn’t looking forward to it, but I gotta have some kind of entertainment around here . . . ).
Anyway, as you may have guessed, she ain’t here today. And nobody has heard a peep out of her. So my boss is in her office, reading the messages in her work email account for a clue.
And for some reason that just makes me go :eek:.
Granted, I do NOT have the tendency to disappear, but what if something DID happen, what if I got hit by a bus and wound up in a coma, and all of my loved ones, in the midst of their heartbreak, forgot to let my boss know, so he went combing through my office email to try to figure out what was going on?
Honey, may as well go ahead and pull the plug on me, because I would DIE if he read some of the email I get here.
I’m off to conduct one giant Delete-O-Rama right now . . .
P.S. The email search yielded nothing, so now my boss is off to her house to look for her car.