Ok so what happens after Return Of The Jedi?

I’m sure people would have accepted lizards who magically repel the force…for… evolutionary reason was it? over Midicholrians.

Third child is killed (named Anakin). Her other two (Jacen and Jaina) were still living.

Ysalamiri, “furry salamanders” that repel the Force; some of the predators on the planet have a natural ability to use the Force to hunt.

Like Cuba Gooding Jr as a retarded football coach?

For talking to GOD!

Cynics, or masochists.

I read a few of the books that came out after the Thrawn trilogy. Was there ever an awkward “So… about that time on Hoth” scene between Luke & Leia?

What happens on Hoth, stays on Hoth.

Besides, we all know how Han really warmed Luke up.

Meanwhile, much later, Luke’s grandson is occasionally getting visits from gramps. Not as a force ghost, mind you; more as a drug-fueled hallucination. There’s an Imperial remnant, which is generally lawful neutral. There is a republic, as I recall. And there are sith, who have abandoned that whole one master-one apprentice model. Don’t ask me much more than that–I’m well behind on Legacy…

[quote=“The_Second_Stone, post:37, topic:626039”]

But from a certain point of view, they were traitors. Your view of things depends on your point of view. Fox News would have reported them as traitors].

MSNBC would have loved the original Palpatine. Of course, I doubt anyone watches MSNBC in a galaxy far, far away either.

Way more thought on that idea than was ever needed

This theory does seem to be born out in the Expanded Universe. I can’t remember which series it is, but there is some philosophical discussion where it is mentioned that the old Jedi Order had tipped the balance of the Force way too far to the light side. Vader and Palpatine brought balance by basically destroying the old order.

The Revenge of the Jedi, of course!

And there’s another chunk of my childhood irrevocably corrupted. :smack:


At the time, though eventually Jacen went to the dark side and Jaina put him down. So only one is left.

But considering how the EU loves to shit on happy things, I’m sure she’ll be killed off eventually too.

Luke’s arm that he lost in Bespin comes back with a new cloned body, called Luuke.

No, I’m not joking, but it’s not nearly as stupid as it sounds like it should be.

The storyline, yes, not as stupid. The “uu” naming convention, EXACTLY as stupid as it sounds.

At least it’s consistent…Joruus C’baoth is the other cloned Jedi. I have no idea what the naming convention would be if the original didn’t have a “u” in the name…

Yeah, I’ve run across this article before.

Well, if we consider only the movies and not the EU (and the Force knows that’s fine with me; I’ve dipped into the EU here and there, but it basically gives me a headache), then of course there is no “economic growth”. All we see of the Empire in the movies is a bunch of ruthless bastards who simply kill anyone who gets in their way (regardless of any actual moral culpability on that person’s part). Almost the very first thing we see the Empire (in the person of Darth Vader) do is “question” someone by picking him up by the neck and squeezing until something goes snap. But hey, that’s just “enhanced interrogation”!

In addition to killing Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru for no other reason than that they bought some droids from the wrong guys, don’t forget the Empire had already massacred the jawas too. Sure, all this takes place offscreen, so I guess maybe the jawas and Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru all died screaming “Down with the Empire! Long live the Republic! [del]Allahu Akbar![/del] May the Force be with you!” But it doesn’t seem terribly likely from what we see of any of these people. The most I can imagine the jawas doing when asked about the droids is maybe holding out one palm and coughing significantly. One good curt order barked by a stormtrooper and I’m sure they’d fold like cheap lawn chairs, bribe or no. In fact, given that the Imperials seem to have made a beeline for the Lars homestead, that must be what happened. So I guess they just killed the jawas for target practice.

Then the Empire nukes one of its own planets–I guess everyone on Alderaan was just “rebel scum”. In The Empire Strikes Back, we see Darth Vader’s charming inter-personal skills and management style really develop (“Apology accepted!” Gaaack!) and the use of cold-blooded torture to bait traps. The Empire’s treatment of Lando Calrissian–a classic entrepreneurial small businessman–gives the lie to any notion of benevolent Pinochetian pro-growth policies. Clearly, once the Empire moves in, you’re pretty much screwed–“I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it any further.”

The EU is canon! I agree the people familiar with it are outnumbered in orders of magnitude by those who aren’t, but officially, it is canon.

Yeah but officially Greedo shot first.