Ok - who's gonna toss the spear with me? (warning: Addictive as hell)

533.687 fair
594.something foul

what a great way to waste 2 hours

Damn. I’ve gotten a 533 about 8 times in a row. rexnervous, why, oh, why did you addict all of us to this?



That poor little man

Oh man, that was weird. After coming back to this thread for a second time, I was compelled to try the game again for about 10 minutes. 534-something was my high score, and I gave up and switched back to SDMB. Well I continued for about 15 minutes, and towards the end of that time I started feeling “uncomfortable” and I knew something was wrong, but I couldn’t figure out what!?!

Well, after a few seconds I realized what it was…I’d left the spear toss window open in the background AND MY SPEAKERS WERE STILL BLARING THAT INFERNAL “TWEET TWEET” of the birds!!!

I think there’s some sort of mind-control experiment going on here…

My ‘foul’ best just went up - 633.475

I’m up at 532.9 - must have tried for 30 minutes now. arrgh…
It’s getting on my nerves and I can’t stop :slight_smile:

Evil evil evil…my SO, best friend and I are all playing right now! :slight_smile:

534.39 was the best I could do.



I’m able to make 522 and change repeatedly, but can’t get anything better than that without crossing the line. Stupid wind resistance.

489.698 is my high so far (took me a while to figure out how to make him throw the damn thing!). And a low of 96, gotten while trying, like Swiddles, to make him spear himself in the head.

Sweet mother of god that music… da da dada da da dada… tweet tweet tweet…


523 - no better.

I’ll be back.

546.927 on a foul damnit!

512.405 otherwise

529.017!! Victory will soon be mine! Bwahahaha!

Is it me or does it seem like he runs up to the line faster at times?

Oh no ya don’t. I wasted far too much of my life the last time someone posted this, I ain’t getting sucked in again! Rex, you are EVIL EVIL EVIL!!

Opal, you know you can do better this time. All you needed was a break from the game for a bit. C’mon, 535 is within your grasp.

WOOOOOHOOOOO! I can finally sleep in peace!


Of course, that still doesn’t get me on the high-score board.

Maybe just a couple more throws, just to see… :slight_smile:

OK - try waiting until the tip of the spear JUST gets to the last palm tree, click the mouse. Now let the guy run as far up to the foul line as possible and let go. We’re aiming for the perfect 45 degree launch angle here, I think.

Cool ballistics demonstration, all in all.

I can quit any time I want to … really. No, I can, honest.

(the first step is admitting that you have a problem…)

I like the little polynesian island, but I can’t figure out what the skyscraper-looking building at the far right is :smiley: