Okay, this is totally immature of me

I went to HS with a girl named Charity Muff- what the hell were the parents thinking?

And the emails are funny- lots of companies use first initial, last name, and they crack me up.

Two I can think of off the top of my head-

flynch (f-lynch)

butley (b-utley)

jaycock (j-aycock)
Yeah, I’m 12… :wink:

I knew a guy in high school with the last name Bonomo. We would always do the “Bo-no-me-na” song muppet-style around him.

There’s a real estate agent in that part of PA named Bob Boob. I wonder if Bob and Nathan are related.

And speaking of Pennsylvania, the head of the embattled Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency is named Dick Willey.


Imagine if you saw this one?

None personally, but my mother worked with a Richard Hair, and my grandmother tutored a Vietnamese couple for their citizenship, the wife’s name was Big Fun. My dad also works with a woman whose last name is Hore.

Porn is a common name for girls in Thailand. Sometimes Porntip or Porn-something else, but often just Porn. That still makes me smile even today.

(It’s actually pronounced “pawn,” but that’s how it’s always spelled in the Western alphabet.)

I wish I could tell you some of the names we’ve had come through our lab. Stupid federal privacy laws…

two good ones, from friends,

  1. Friend who works at a call center had to call Don Gi Kong (say it fast!)

  2. A Friends mother once taught a girl named (evil evil parents) Foustina Pitts