I’ve had the Stones’ song “Under My Thumb” in my head for a couple of days. It was someone on this board who put it there. Whoever you are, I hate you!
Of course, I shouldn’t be complaining. I had Cher’s “Dark Lady” in my head for days before the Stones took over. I guess someone saved me from myself.
Well, thanks to you I know have Cher’s “Dark Lady” stuck in my head. But it alternates with “Ode to Joy” because I’ve been trying to play that on the piano*.
*Actually, it’s an iPhone.
Protip: I’ve found a cure for earworms. Find a song from a completely different musical tradition (Asian, say, or Native American-- I use a Navajo hymn), and sing that to yourself a few times. It’ll displace the earworm, but will be unfamiliar enough to not get lodged in its place.
I’m a regular watcher of Dancing With The Stars (don’t judge me!) and a couple of weeks ago one of the couples danced to this song. It keeps popping into my head at random moments. Please, make it stop!
I was never a big Devo fan, but I’ve been hearing a lot of Devo in my head lately. Can’t explain it. This is my latest infection, and the lyrics confuse and intrigue me.
Gates Of Steel
Opening credits music to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The husband has been watching reruns in the morning as I’m getting ready for work lately, and it gets stuck in my head all day.