Has anyone tried it? Brad Wilk, the drummer for Rage Against The Machine, and his wife Serena Wilk, lead singer for 7 Year Bitch, started a company called Ola Beverage, and their first product is a 5 calorie, zero carb lemonade called Olade. What’s really cool about it is that it’s sweetened with Stevia, a plant native to Central and South America, that, while currently banned as a food additive in the US (due to a bunch of political bullshit) can be sold and used as a “dietary supplement” :rolleyes:, which is, I assume, how the label lists the ingredient. I’ve been using Stevia for years and love it.
Olade was sold at Coachella and Lollapalloza so I’m wondering if anyone tried it. I’d love to, but for now it’s a bit pricey, $25.00 per 12-pack. A special that was running, buy one case and get one free, doesn’t seem to be in effect anymore, even though it’s still listed on the web site and on amazon.com. I went through the checkout process with 2 cases in my cart, but right up until the final button to submit order it still had a double price, and I wasn’t going to pay $50.00 for lemonade, no matter how much I want to try it, and support them, so I canceled the order.
According to the press materials, Wilk has diabetes, and had been making his own lemonade for years, using fresh lemons, spring water and Stevia. Also according to the web site, new products will be rolling out in September, including Tea-Olade (lemonade / iced tea mix), Pom-Olade, Cran-Olade, Mint-Olade, Ginger-Olade, and Berry-Olade.
I wish them well. Hooray for anyone making anything with Stevia as an additive. I hope this is just the beginning, and that the price comes down.