Old Faithful Cam

One of my favorite places to go - Yellowstone.

Fluff yer hair Beula, I’s feelin frisky - M.S.

I’ve only been once, as a kid but still have fond memories.

My dad is not the “stop and smell the roses” types so family vacations were kept to a tight schedule. I’m from Arizona but have only seen the Grand Canyon for all of five minutes. It was like the scene in National Lampoon’s Vacation because we were hauling horses back from Montana and had to get back on the road.

Cool, thanks for the link! I’ve only been able to go to Yellowstone a couple of times, but it’s one of my favorite places to go, too.

One thing I thought was interesting about Yellowstone is how easy it is to see animals there, and that they don’t seem particularly afraid of people. I assumed it was because they were just used to the tourists, but then I later read in part of Lewis and Clark’s journals that they noticed the same thing about the animals around the Yellowstone not being afraid. My guess is that for hundreds of years, because of the uniqueness of the place, Native Americans may have refused to hunt there, and the animals learned this.

Thanks so much! I have added the link to my bookmarks. I even sat around and waited to see Old Faithful go off! And it did, right on time! Woo hoo!

I have only visited Yellowstone once, and I yearn to see it again. It’s lovely. And Wyoming…and the Grand Tetons. And Colorado. Sigh. I wish it were summer and I could start traveling!

As you can tell by my username, my favorite place is Yosemite National Park, so I thought I’d add a web cam address for Yosemite here: http://www.halfdomecam.com