Old Martin Guitar - Smashed during filming of The Hateful Eight

I think the bottom line is that the glib destruction of an old instrument feels wrong. If it was an honest mistake, it stinks, but okay - far worse things have happened in movie-set accidents. If there was a bit of QT douchebaggery going on - that would feel like a dick move.

It is worth OMG OUTRAGE?!!?!??!?! No, but it is a frustrating story to guitar geeks like me, with the potential to have an element of dickishness in it, too.

There are plenty more guitars from the 1870s. This one is replaceable for the price of a nice new couch. You’re telling me you’ve never seen a movie where they destroyed something more valuable than a nice couch? You’ve never seen car explosions? Go watch the Blues Brothers.

C’mon really?

I know, but that’s the official story. I think the outrage is coming from people who don’t believe the story and think Tarantino just destroyed the guitar for kicks. It’s still not quite worthy of outrage, but the story is more interesting that way.