Old movie boo-boo, train Xing sound.

A long time ago some friends and I were sitting around idly watching a movie and getting stoned. I’m hoping this was not a mass hallucination.
Anyway, the characters were at a RR crossing and a passing train made the “ding-ding” sound associated with crossings everywhere. Trouble is, this sound went ding-ding, ding-ding, ding-ding, ding-ding, ding-ding. As you would hear it if you were on the train. The scene was in the car. We should have heard a steady ding-ding, etc. All of us noticed, but the train passed and the movie continued.
This was an old, b&w movie and we weren’t paying enough attention for me to remember much more about it. We did talk some about it at a later date, but were’nt really convinced that we heard what we thought we did.
Any help?
BTW; I think it was two men.

It always bothers me in movies and on TV–to this day!–that when someone on the other end hangs up the phone, you instantly hear a dial tone. Maybe that really happened in 1930, but certainly no more.

It happens no more because the person that initiates the call has to hang up to break the connection.

I listened to Debij and her friends talk in her car for an hour one night as she drove home. Because she didn’t break the connection.