Old poem "There was a Dandelion with lovely fluffy hair"

I remember it from childhood, and I am using it in a storytime for children at the library soon.

Full poem linked here for reference: here The second poem on the list is a variant, but the one I’m specifically remembering is listed further down the page, right underneath the Dandelion Haiku.

I need to write it up in the parent’s handout, and want to make sure my credits are correct - but I’m not having any luck sourcing an author on the wide internets - everywhere has it as uncredited or as Author Unknown.

I know LOTS of the old mother goose-style poems and nursery rhymes really *are *Author Unknown, but I wouldn’t have pegged this one as quite that old, and also I don’t trust the wide internets to actually care enough to cite things proper.

Anyone got a Child’s Garden of Verses or old Mother Goose or a Nursery Rhyme Treasury they can check for this oldie and see if there is an author credit for it? I would trust one of those much more than I do the internets in general.

Many thanks for any assistance rendered!

I really tried looking for an author, but couldn’t find one. It’s all over the Internet, but even in collections that had attributable authors, this one had none mentioned.

I’m thinking it really is an anon. author then.

Thank you for your time!