(Old) Trip Planning in the MMP


Lucky for the governed, I am of the unshakable opinion that once one hits age 70, one should not be allowed to run for office. Ageism aside, I believe all elected positions need fresh blood and fresh ideas. “We’ve always done it that way!!” is wrong - the world changes and we need leaders who aren’t tied to old paradigms.

However, feel free to worship me as your queen.

I find myself being somewhat irritated that Daughter and SIL come to us rather than his mother and stepfather when they need financial help. However, they are caring for stepfather’s 2 grandkids - as in the kids live with them - so I’m sure that is a financial bite. Plus FCD tells me stepfather is a bit of an ass - Daughter and SIL agree - so maybe they know better than to approach him for anything. I’ve not met him, but I trust their judgement. I will say, tho, that SIL’s mom does buy the grands a buttload of clothes and shoes.

In any event, a chunk of my annuity is paying the lion’s share of Tobias’ tuition because we really don’t need it right now and spousal unit and I are big believers in education. In fact, the 401k from my last job was rolled into a fund that is designated for the kids’ education, barring an emergency that requires us to take it.

OMG! You’ll be saddling them up before much longer!! What pretty pups!!

We went to MIL’s so I could get her groceries. She called and said she just couldn’t manage to go with me - which is fine, since I tend to move too fast for her. (Not intentionally - I just forget.) She’s in a bad way - getting up to pee wears her out. And she absolutely refuses to drink water, so we’re pretty sure she’s dehydrated, which is not good for someone on blood thinners, or someone 92 years old, or someone who either forgets to take her meds or can’t see that she drops some of them… Honestly, I’ll be surprised if she lives another month. I truly think she just wants to die. Needless to say, it’s really hard on FCD. He doesn’t know what to do for her.

On a less depressing note, I’ve got a couple of bags of twice-baked spuds in the freezer. There was enough of the filling left that I spread it on the “tops” that I cut off. Then I sprinkled extra cheddar on them and I’ll broil them for an appetizer or snack later. The kitchen is cleaned up, and I’m about to resume the knit position.

I had to tear out 2 rows - I shouldn’t knit when I’m tired. But I’ve re-done those rows plus some, and I’ll see how much more I can get done today. I’ve just about finished the first skein and I figure I’ll use about half of the second. So, to the recliner!!!

Plus, hubs isn’t going to be interested if he HAS to move around too much, so that was very good info, thanks. If he can start out sitting and then figure out for himself he would enjoy hacking and slashing, that would be great. I opened our stream account and looked at VR games, went to da jungle and looked at games and headsets, then googled it. Hubs should be getting targeted ads now. hehehe

Wow, Buster and Maisie are turning into dogs! Very good looking dogs at that!!!

Instructions and color codes.

You don’t know your own strength!!!

I’m glad your Dad is doing so well, good sleep is so important, especially after recovering from surgery.

Hurray for good tips, I hope you have a wonderful day off!

:tada: :fireworks: :tada:

Go you, what a huge accomplishment!

That’s even better, you don’t have to spend any money at all now! While you are at it, put containers under all of your taps, including the outside ones so you can check for drips. Two gallons an hour sounds very much like a dripping tap, it would be wonderful if you could fix the issue with a new washer.

All the time!

Cute pics.

So it looks like the weeds in the front yard are going to live another day. The cottage cheese is ripening, I just finished stretching the mozzarella and I saved the whey to mix with the cottage cheese whey for ricotta.

Hubs seems to really like scotch eggs, he bought three pounds of differently spiced sausage to use, so we are going to have scotch eggs for dinner again. I like them because they are fairly easy to make and he will eat rabbit food (green salad) with them.

I boiled the eggs for dinner, and then figured it was time to make hubs some more egg bites for breakfast so those are in the oven now. Once they are out I’ll bake up a pound of bacon as well.

I’m going to make aspara nikumaki for dinner tonight. I mixed up some Japanese sesame dressing for dipping and the salad.

Have a recipe? I love Scotch eggs, but never made them. I have jumbo eggs and Jimmy Dean’s sage sausage.

Sure, they are easy peasy!

Oven at 400F.

Split the pound into quarters and make patties out of them. Peel 4 large hard boiled eggs and roll in flour to help give the sausage something to grab. Shape the sausage around the eggs until you have a nice ball, dip it in a beaten egg then dredge it through bread crumbs. (I used gluten free flour and crushed up tortilla chips.)

Bake for 30-35 minutes or until the pork is at temp.

Here in the south, it’s always good to get to the restaurant before the church crowd does.

Squee! They’re still adorable and growing like weeds.

Yep! I tetris the freezer, tetris the dish drainer and even tetris some things at irk and everyone gets the reference.

Congrats on the book lily!

I assembled three cards that I had cut yesterday. Two of them will go into the donation box, but I really like the owl one and will send that out at some point. That reminds me, I nees to address one for my Aunt Connie’s birthday (the last of my mom’s sisters living, she was younger than some of her nieces and nephews).

Sunday dinner was an Ethiopian chicken and spinach curry. It was absolutely delish! I’m putting this one into the rotation.

Howdy Y’all! We deheathenated. I ended up servin’ as Verger as the other Verger texted me this mornin’ sayin’ she had a fever of 102. Definitely stay home and far away from everyone. Then we got a McN.O.L. which we brought back to da cave to consume. Nappage and day drinkin’ then ensued. The biiiiiig trash can has been hauled all the way down to the road for pickup tomorrow. Netflix and chill is up next.

I wonder how it would work if I crushed up some Baken-Ets and used that instead of ‘bread crumbs’.

I have had two Favebook posts removed as ‘spam’.

  1. One was in response to a local group. The OP posted a photo of otters down the beach. I commented with a video of otters in our back yard up the beach.

  2. Just now, a comment was removed from a friend’s page. My friend liked the comment and would not have reported it.

I do not spam. Neither of the removed posts could possibly have been misunderstood to be spam. I believe that someone is falsely reporting my posts in a malicious attempt to do me harm.

Ohhhhh!!! Do it and report back, it sounds pretty yummy.

There is nothing to be done at that point. Except offer solace and comfort care, even if that’s just sitting and blabbering to keep the silence at bay. If that’s what Mom wants.

I’m pretty much immune to motion sickness; kinda an occupational requirement. HL is/was the polar opposite as I’ve mentioned from time to time.

I did my first VR experience at a museum last summer: a virtual tour of Machu Picchu which included “flying” over the ruins and out into space over the surrounding canyons. HL abstained with great vehemence. I felt a little bit of eye/inner ear disconnect in spots, several other people were wobbly on their feet afterwards, and HL would have been projectile vomiting very quickly.

Suggest JtC’s hubs wade gently into that water.

Instructions and color codes for what? Complete sentences with short words for the very clueless with zero context to whatever on Earth y’all are talking about. Please, pretty please, with puppydog eyes even. :slight_smile:

URL or recipe please; that does sound super yummy! Even better if it’s easy enough to fit in the regular rotation of your very busy life. I’ve made Indian saag using chicken, paneer, or even extra firm tofu and it’s not very difficult either.

Speaking of which, I now know what’d for dinner: Indian. Thank you for answering that nagging question. :wink:

Swampy glad to here that emergency Vergering didn’t interfere w the rest of your fine day.

Ouch. Bastards. Yet another feature of online “society” that was solved eons ago IRL, but will need deliberate systems to support in the virtual world. Systems that are nothing but avoidable costs when viewed from the POV of the people who own our new-fangled digital agoras.

I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.

Welp …
HL & I had been set up to attend her son’s wedding together in Chicago over Memorial day weekend. Today I sent her a carefully worded email pointing out that’s probably not going to happen as planned, and what did she want me to do about a) me attending or not, b) the hotel I’ve reserved for us, and c) the employee travel tickets I’d bought for us that she can’t use if the divorce finalizes by then. Which it should.

The answers were as expected, but still a bit sharp & stinging to see expressed in precise businesslike prose:

  1. I am not going to Chicago, and I should not contact anyone related to her ever again except via her.

    So no more Daughter and fosters for me. Truly I’ll miss her excellent family a lot more than I’ll miss her.

    Which was actually one of the reasons I delayed so long in splitting up: my very strong suspicion that I’d be cut off from that next generation I’ve known since they were infants. And who, frankly, were my only known shot at somebody to care about my existence or perhaps provide some assistance in great old age were I lucky enough to survive that long. At some point a couple years from now I’ll reach out to them, but they know their Mom and I know they’d be deeply on the spot with her if they didn’t toe her line. It’s not right for me to stuff that predicament into their familial in-basket.

  2. She had not thought about the hotel & air travel stuff but will get on it. Meanwhile I should stand pat.

    Which is fine with me. The cut off for full refunds is out near Memorial Day, while her window for affordable travel and accommodations is now and closing. Which is why I brought it up to her now.

Otherwise, our rain began at about 11am and has been nonstop with varying intensity until now = 5pm. The radar suggests it’ll taper off about 8pm & be done by midnight, while the forecast says rain will still be an issue for much of Monday before clear and cool reasserts itself overnight into Tuesday.

A gray day and gray feelings. Soon to be assuaged with Indian dinner as suggested by @missred.

Cheers all!

Very quick update: waiting on transport so I can go home. This is one happy fishy!

Yaay for home!!!1!!1!11!!11.

Yay! Swim fishy!:tropical_fish::blue_heart:

You are a good person. I wish I’d lost track of how many people I’ve known who whould’ve pulled the “Ha ha! Sucks to be you!!” mean spirited point-and-laugh.

I am somewhat worried. Lately there has been a noticeable more amount of hair in my comb after washing. Now theres some in the sink! I have way long hair. The only other time this happened was when I used a different shampoo.
It can’t be my thyroid. Before I got on it, many years ago, my hair wasn’t falling out. I am wondering if my being out of my prescription vitamin D for week had caused this. Just got the refill yesterday.
Yes, I’m going to ask my dr. I have my physical next month.

Creamy Ethiopian Berebere Chicken

I served it over rice.

Evening all. Ate well at Olive Garden and red is right, I go early (opening time) to avoid the noontime Church rush. The atoned for my caloric sins with 75 minutes of cycling, burning 800 calories according to the machines, and then 20 minutes of sweat in the sauna. Am now home and adding about 2/3 of those calories back but still will have a net total below the 2200 calories/day I want to keep…I think. Still cool (43F now heading for 30F tonight), the 10-day forecast says we’ll see highs in the 70’s before the end of February. Looking likely to be another long hot summer.

Real Fish, glad to hear your headed home, just don’t try to overdo the first few days and let the boys learn to manage things.

JtC, Sinks look pretty clean and the kitchen ones are stainless steel so I think I’d see any evidence of drippage. Have looked inside the cabinets to make sure nothing wrong there, all clear so far.

Taters, they are growing so fast! And lovely puppehs they certainly are.

talkie, glad you had a good night out and sending that note may have made the recipient cry too; obviously you put a lot of your heart in such things.

Shoe, hopefully he’s cancelled it with the provider and will be getting a new one; bet next time he holds it real tight…

Your Majesty, er FCM, good on ya for your support. And so good of you to be supporting MIL, but sad that she can’t just go peacefully.

Have never tried VR (the only VR I know is Virtual Railfan on You Tube) and from what I have heard I probably wouldn’t enjoy it (not a games person), but hope those that do try it like it.

swampy, glad you could pinch-hit on the Vergering, 102F is not fun.

Flyboy, I seldom comment on the Book of Faces, but yours seem so inconsequential I wonder how they have the system programmed to pick things up like that.

Pilot, I for one will be sorry not to hear about the kids anymore, maybe daughter will find a way to work you into the mix without upsetting her Mom?

Coppertone, I don’t have much hair left to me, so when I get some pulled out after showering and combing, it’s more “Yea, I don’t have to go to the barber shop!” :wink: :smile: :smile: Seriously, I think you are wise to ask your Dr. about it.

And that’s about it. You Tubing and NY TImes reading should take me to bedtime, so take care all and I’ll catch you on the next MMP.

I was really, really done with posting tonight, but I had to go and read the updates to the “Not Always Right” website and seeing the link below meant I had to post this before I retired for the night, so hopefully doggio will see this in the morning. Gives New Meaning To Heavy Load

And now, too all a good night.

I cleaned, laundered, took out the trash and recycling. I put in some carpet squares in my room to fix the holes that Gordie started and Ace finished(I’ve been here in 2009, so it’s not like it’s past its date anyways)… I even made time for a couple of minutes of sloth. Having the usual Wisconsin Old Fashioned while the poke loin, baked N.O.T. and baked squash is cooking.

Awww. but that couch one reminds me of me after a good St. Patrick’s Day. :wink:


He is a well dress gentleman. Even when he tries to eat his matching bowtie.

LMAO. We do occasionally get those coming through the building.(Pun intended)

Thank you.

That does sound very nice and real simple / quick to prepare. The berbere premix is doing a lot of the heavy lifting. I’d serve it over brown basmati, but that’s a nod to diabetes, not to culinary orthodoxy.

HL was a spice fiend and had every oddball blend like that you can imagine. Believe it or not I’ve had chicken chunks sauteed in butter & berbere. I will give her massive props for being an adventurous cook in the sense of trying interesting recipes.

And thanks for the suggestion for my dinner. I went to one of our several nearby Mom-n-Pop Indian places and had a mulligatawny soup, a paneer saag over ordinary basmati, and a small piece of chili garlic naan. My pancreas wasn’t even over-strained. Yaay! And now I have a full lunch-worth of leftover food for tomorrow. Double Yaay!

Had a productive evening about which more tomorrow.

As metalmouse said, now it’s time for bed.